Alt account of, used to interact in places where federation is still spotty on .world.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • My ADHD brain panics if I need to catch a scheduled train and if I’m not actually there at least 1/4h in advance I melt into a puddle of anxiety.

    But city trams and metros are absolutely fine. If I don’t catch this one, there’s gonna be another one in a few minutes. No worries.

    Busses that are scheduled every half hour at most drive me mad tho. Did I miss it because it was 10 mins early because fuck schedules or is it gonna be 15 mins late?

  • Public transport in Europe is often in a sorry state, but trust me, it’s nothing compared to the US. Here in France, a lot of regional trains are very unreliable at best but at least high speed trains on dedicated tracks are fine (very expensive, but ok).

    I don’t remember UK rail to be a shitshow and/or that expensive but my only experience is going to/from central London to/from neighboring counties and it was fine.

    But in the US, oh boy. About 15 years ago I was living with some roommates in Campbell, CA and we went to SF one day. 1h drive mostly on shitty concrete motorways, including probably around $5 of gas. They were heading north for a romantic getaway so I went back to Campbell by myself. It took almost 4 fuckin hours, on maybe 4 or 5 different private companies, and cost me like $25 to get back.

    Public transit in the US is so fucked up im almost convinced it’s by design.

  • WFHtomemes@lemmy.worldWait, not like that
    13 months ago

    Most proper denim pants are sized in inches, even from non-US countries.

    But of course vanity sizing is a thing so a size 36 is closer to 38in unless explicitly specified, and most online retailers provide true sizing in cm anyway, so there’s that.

  • It’s like scrolling on your phone, where the content on your screen follows exactly your fingers movements. On Wayland you can do the same with a trackpad, like for example when scrolling, switching workspaces or invoking the activities overview. It feels much nicer, more immediate and more natural than on, where gestures are just triggering a shortcut after a set distance.

  • WFHtoLinux@lemmy.mlUsing Linux for the first time
    7 months ago

    May I ask why you, as a beginner, specifically chose one of those distros instead of more “mainstream” ones?

    Puppy Linux’s main use-case is to be a live ISO, that doesn’t need to be installed to run. It doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to install it, but I think if you want to use an Ubuntu derivative, there are better options for a beginner like Pop or Mint that would let you install a lightweight desktop environment like XFCE, LXDE, LXQt and so on.

    Alpine Linux is specifically designed to avoid all the core system tools that are pretty much universal on most other distros like glibc, systemd or GNU tools and libraries, which will make your life hell as a beginner if you need to troubleshoot anything as most “universal” documentation like the Arch wiki would be at best partially relevant, at worst useless.

  • I have updated Debian across 4 major releases without issues. I have daily updates on Fedora without issues. I had to do maintenance probably monthly on Manjaro.

    Arch doesn’t do things for you, therefore Manjaro doesn’t do things for you. This means you are the one who needs to do the maintenance and upgrade config files and such. It is interesting, it is formative, but it is not for beginners who might get the impression that Linux needs constant maintenance and breaks often.

  • I've updated my post with "I heard conflicting stuff over the Internet and now I'm scared" and an introduction. Those are legitimate questions for people who, like me, do a lot of research before committing to something. Some of the discussions here and in other communities might scare people off, as they might feel they've done the "wrong" choice or are afraid to do the "wrong" choice.

  • I've ran my gaming pc on Manjaro for about 2 years. There were too many issues to list here, but the one huge problem for me for new users is updates.

    You have to wait for the semi-regular "stable update" post, check the major issues and act accordingly. This shouldn't happen in a "beginner friendly" distro. I mean, those posts are great, but all other majors distros update without intervention.

    Also, I always updated from the tty as there's a weird "never update inside Gnome" policy.

  • There are daily threads started by new users who say stuff like "I read that systemd is bad, should I switch to [insert systemd-less distro here]" or "My RTX 4080 runs Sim City 2000 at 12 FPS, is Linux trash?", so there seems to be a need to at least help alleviate the fears of people who read conflicting stuff (or downright flamewars) on the internet and might be overwhelmed by those conflicts.