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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Technically and legally the photos would be considered child porn

    I don’t think that has been tested in court. It would be a reasonable legal argument to say that the image isn’t a photo of anyone. It doesn’t depict reality, so it can’t depict anyone.

    I think at best you can argue it’s a form of photo manipulation, and the intent is to create a false impression about someone. A form of image based libel, but I don’t think that’s currently a legal concept. It’s also a concept where you would have to protect works of fiction otherwise you’ve just made the visual effects industry illegal if you’re not careful.

    In fact, that raises an interesting simily. We do not allow animals to be abused, but we allow images of animal abuse in films as long as they are faked. We allow images of human physical abuse as long as they are faked. Children are often in horror films, and creating the images we see is very strictly managed so that the child actor is not exposed to anything that could distress them. The resulting “works of art” are not under such limitations as far as I’m aware.

    What’s the line here? Parental consent? I think that could lead to some very concerning outcomes. We all know abusive parents exist.

    I say all of this, not because I want to defend anyone, but because I think we’re about to set some really bad legal precidents if we’re not careful. Ones that will potentially do a lot of harm. Personally, I don’t think the concept of any image, or any other piece of data, being illegal holds water. Police people’s actions, not data.

  • Furthermore there are many changes to NumPy internals, including continuing to migrate code from C to C++, that will make it easier to improve and maintain NumPy in the future.

    I realise that C can be rather low level a lot of the time, but I’m not sure I’d pick C++ to help keep things easy to maintain. It opens up a Pandora’s box of possibilities.

  • Yes and no.

    You have to eat less than you consume, and going to the gym doesn’t “burn calories” in a significant enough amount to make a difference. So there you’re right.

    However, the biggest factor in your consumption rate is how much muscle you have. You can be laying in bed, but your muscles still need feeding. You just don’t keep muscles very long laying in bed all the time.

    So, does the gym help weight loss? No, not directly, but increasing your muscle mass can.