I make computers

  • 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • I think that a lot of the recent GNOME design choices are merely because they’re trying to improve usability on mobile devices. It also just so happens that Apple is trying to make the macOS desktop closer to iOS to encourage people to move from Windows. They have similar goals, which leads to similar design choices. And all design is derivative, anyway. Who cares.

  • IrdialtoLinux@lemmy.mlUbuntu Snap Hate
    02 months ago

    I read a comment on Reddit a while back that pointed out how much of the open source community has no issue hosting projects on GitHub while also lampooning Snap for having a closed-source backend server. However, since Snap (and GitHub) are open source themselves, nothing is stopping curious and concerned users from auditing the codebase or hosting their own servers. I removed Snap from my Ubuntu installation and use Flatpak instead, but I do not hate Snap. And for what it’s worth, I always go for the native DEB when possible…

  • It’s possible that the issue you’re running into is with Proton and not your GPU. My anecdote is that running Ubuntu 22 LTS (which Linux Mint, Pop! OS, etc. are all based on) with my 3060 has always worked just fine—usually for machine learning and video rendering. I’m not a gamer, but the occasional Minecraft session does get the GPU kicking.