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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • I’m simply stating that not all school administrators are saints. And I had a specific anecdote of one such person.

    Of course the guy shouldn’t have shoved him in that venue. And if it’s about race, it’s even worse (though the article clearly tries to make it about race from its first sentence, so I don’t know either way).

    But I know what it feels like to see one’s kid be unfairly treated by school systems and specific administrators. And in the article it states the parent sees it that way much in the same vein as my anecdote (his kid got the book thrown at her while others who violated the same policy got no punishment at all).

    Hopefully that clears it up for you. But if not, not my problem.

  • This guy was definitely a dick for shoving him. And I feel bad for the daughter.

    But I have had my own issues with school administrators where I live, where a group of kids, boys and girls included, all had done something worthy of, at most, suspension — the girls had the book thrown at them (effective expulsion for at least a half-year), and the boys got off without so much as a warning.

    I would never seek out the administrator in question, but if I ever saw the misogynist piece of shit again I’d likely deck him in the face.

    Though I did get some satisfaction a year later, when that administrator got effectively demoted to a lower tier school.

    Edit>> People need to actually read the article if they can’t correlate what I wrote here to it, assuming comprehension isn’t a roadblock for them.

  • Thanks for the quote, it at least helps to understand your context.

    To clear things up, however, atheists couldn’t care less about churches. Anti-theists perhaps do. Atheists I know just don’t want any religion or church to encroach on their rights and freedoms. The problem is that religionists are quite responsible for getting books banned in schools, trying to remove sex education in schools, are very anti-LGBTQ, have succeeded in the removal of women’s rights that have been precedent for decades, and are the most militant about their so-called beliefs in all of these matters, including believing in a fairy grandpa in the sky, that anyone who challenges them in any way, even simply intellectually, effectively constitutes a declaration of war.

    So if you want to be concerned about a specific group or groups of people, take a long hard look at the Mormon Church, the Catholic Church, and Muslims and how they view women. And those are just a few examples. Atheists are the least of anyone’s problems in this world.