• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Sadly, I don’t think ray tracing is going to fix how boring this game is. I also backed the kickstarter because I’m a huge Banjo Kazooie fan. I started this game 3 separate times and could never will myself to get more than halfway. Not only is the gameplay uninteresting, the writing just doesn’t have the same charm as the BK games

  • Contrary to what CNN says, 4chan is not an alt-right community. In fact, most of those idiots have left since 2016.

    If you give it a chance and check out a range of boards, you will find it’s fairly diverse. Like any other online community, it comes down to finding which boards suit you best

  • As a lifelong Zelda fan, I’ve never cared much for the stories of Zelda games anyways. Like Mario games, they’re always incredibly simple placeholders that boil down to “princess gone, defeat evil that took her”. These games got their start when that was the only story that you could fit on the cartridge anyways, so I could see why Nintendo would want to keep that spirit alive.

    Plus, in an open world game, is story really that important? I’d rather have the excellent gameplay of TOTK than something like Red Dead 2 which is a great story with excruciatingly boring gameplay.

  • You say you’ve always loved to learn, but really it sounds like you’re more of a completionist. You’re more interested in succeeding in the academic rituals (taking tests and getting good grades) than learning itself. Aka, you’re extrinsically motivated, not intrinsically. Extrinsic motivation always leads to burn out eventually.

    Perhaps reevaluate whether you’re going to college just to get some degree that will make you employable (as we do in the US), or if you’re actually interested in learning about a specialized field. If the latter is true, reevaluate your major and maybe see if you can switch to something that interests you enough to motivate you intrinsically.

    • Trauma, to describe a negative experience
    • Depression, to describe healthy, intermittent sadness
    • Trigger, to describe a pet peeve
    • Dysphoria, to describe concern
    • On the Spectrum/neurodivergent, to describe something a strawman normie wouldn’t do

    The spike of interest in mental health over the past couple decades (in the West) has certainly been a net positive, but an unfortunate side effect - one that is true every time science becomes trendy - is that technical terms get grossly misused/overused. Sometimes it’s malicious, like someone exaggerating a self-diagnosed condition to get out of work; other times it’s benign, like someone using a term which they genuinely think they understand but the reality is only half so. If you recognize someone as being the latter, just try to ignore it or gently guide them to better terminology; else, if they’re being the former… well that’s more complicated, but just don’t be a dick about it because that’s never changed anyone’s mind