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Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Oof, men being creeps in photos is super common in my experience. I do historical costuming, and men think it's hilarious to pretend to squeeze your boobs or butt (or bustle) when they ask for photo. Obviously the historical clothing adds another layer to the situation, but I don't dress that way to be a punchline to a joke. Most of my costuming friends have similar stories of men oozing into the picture after their wives ask for a picture. My friends who do cosplay have had men do weird shit in photos, too. And they never introduce themselves first, so they can just disappear into the crowd after.

    Admittedly that's different than the situation with Franken where other people asking for his picture, but men are comfortable invading women's personal space when it comes to photography. Lots of my female friends who don't do costuming have stories about the creepy guy who gets too close for photos at family or work events. Just because Franken is famous doesn't mean he can't be a creepy dude who takes advantage of the situation.

  • Pork chops in garlic-butter sauce with mushrooms. I usually serve them with mashed potatoes and steamed fresh green beans. If you don’t do pork, you can do the exact same thing with chicken breasts.

    3-4 thick-cut pork chops, preferably bone-in

    1 cup mushrooms, cleaned and sliced

    4 tablespoons butter

    2-4 garlic cloves, minced

    1 tablespoon fresh oregano, OR 1 teaspoon dried

    1 tablespoon fresh thyme, OR 1 teaspoon dried

    1/2 cup flour

    3/4 cup milk

    2 cups chicken broth

    Salt and pepper to taste

    Pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)

    1. Preheat oven to 350 F.

    2. In a large oven-proof skillet, combine the butter, garlic, herbs, and mushrooms over medium-high heat.

    3. When the butter has melted, push everything to the sides and add the pork chops. Sear until golden on both sides.

    4. Spread the mushrooms evenly over everything, and put skillet in the oven. Bake for around 35 minutes, or until the pork chops are at 150-160 F.

    5. Remove from oven and set the pork chops aside to rest. Tent foil over them to keep them warm. You can remove the mushrooms too if you want, but don’t take away too much of the fat in the pan. You need whatever is in there for the gravy.

    6. Put the skillet over low heat and whisk the flour into the fat in the pan. No lumps! Cook for 1-2 minutes to cook the flour and keep whisking. Whisk in the milk and chicken broth and cook until gravy is thick. Keep whisking the entire time. Flavor with salt and pepper to taste. If you want, you can add a pinch (1/8 teaspoon-ish) of red pepper flakes. It balances out the richness of the butter. You can also just put hot sauce on table, if you have spice-averse guests.

  • Yeah, you should be aware of the way people talk about cities in frankly bigoted ways if you don’t want to be perceived as a bigot. Talking about cities being dangerous or scary is a coded way to denigrate Black people. Like, when people talk about Chicago being dangerous, they’re specifically referring to neighborhoods with Black majority populations and generalizing it to the entire city. That’s what this meme is about, not traffic.