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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I prefer restic for my backups. There’s nothing inherently wrong with just making a copy if that is sufficient for you though. Restic will create small point in time snapshots as compared to just a file copy so I’m the event that perhaps you made a mistake and accidentally deleted something from the “live” copy and managed to propagate that to your backup it is a nonissue as you could simply restore from a previous snapshot.

    These snapshots can also be compressed and deduplicated making them extremely space efficient.

  • My main point is that it is seemingly impossible to tell what Microsoft has and has not shit listed because may operate their own internal list which isn't published.

    I'm somewhat of the opinion though that more people should self host email and try to be a thorn in the side of these corps implementing arbitrary rules. If more people aren't receiving email more reports about I will be generated and that will hopefully result in more people like us getting our email successfully delivered.