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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • i still remembe needing to wait literal hours at the gate every damn time. we were never even close to late. they were always panicking. i don’t understand it…

    it’s not just parents either. some people are just like that when they travel. I’ve tried going places with friends that made it absolutely miserable as an adult because they were fucking panicking the whole time until we sat on the plane. i swear some people have never dealt with a deadline before or something. don’t know how to deal with a clock ticking down i guess.

  • yeah, but they would be better able to put an rma through for you. it is kind of on them to guarantee a working product actually. if the manufacturer gave them a faulty product it’s up to them to get the manufacturer to fix it. most retailers have an entire system and process for this kind of stuff. things show up to retailers broken all the time. part of their job is to guarantee against that and deal with it if they fail to before you buy it. if you asked them to replace it with a like model that worked or for them to initiate an rma and they refused then you’d be in the right to issue a chargesback.

  • honestly, as good as this may be in the short term, they’ve really just added one more highly Conservative religious state that will vote against the interest of the common good moving forward.

    I strongly support Palestine gaining statehood and for Israel to stop fucking with them (that extends far beyond the war), but that doesn’t mean i like their ideals. i think there’s a strong chance that this will cause problems moving forward and that conservatives will use that as ammunition.

    that said, this is the un finally really kinda doing its job for once. ending global conflict through diplomacy. can’t say that’s a bad thing.

  • they happened to occupy the same time slot. that’s what it has to do with passover.

    it’s kind of like when the trans day of rememberence was on Easter. Easter is a holiday that moves. it happened to move to the same day that the trans day of rememberence was always on. people got all mad that Biden put that on Easter, even though he didn’t.

    this is a protest in response to police violence. that violence happened Friday. today is the first day that the people they are protesting are back at work and can be affected by the protest.

    there you go, that’s everything this has to do with passover. now you know and can stop asking.