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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • I genuinely think shit like this is what promotes antisocial behavior in children. As in clinically antisocial, not just a synonym for introverted.

    Children learn hundreds of new words and new things every week. That’s their entire purpose in life at that age.

    Deliberately lying to them about how basic reality works for extended periods of time is likely what causes the neural short circuits of religion and conservatism.

  • Yeah it’d be crazy if peaceful protests were violently attacked by right wing terrorists and the cops just joined in on the beatings

    If the Supreme Court started ignoring precedent, which they stated under oath they would not do, and started saying cases have standing even if the damaged entity literally is a hypothetical that has never happened

    If the largest union action in this generation was stomped down and made to heel

    If a violent mob literally stormed the capital while Congress was in session certifying an election and were not all prosecuted as domestic terrorists and hanged, under the most advanced security state in the world that knows exactly who was there using cellular pings

    Let me guess, you’re going to say the same thing in 2028 except all these things will have gotten worse and if we just hold our noses and tolerate it one more time the Blues will fix it all, just like they did in 2020 and 2012 and 2008 and 1992 and……….

  • Since you seem to lack the intelligence needed, I’ll enlighten you! It’s Trump! He will win because Democrats would rather lose than run a viable centrist candidate.

    But that’s weird, I could have sworn all you blue MAGAts promised the exact same thing in 2019. Our democracy is at stake, we must vote Blue no matter who to stop fascism.

    That’s weird, I could have sworn the same thing happened in 2008 and 2012 as well. I had so much {{{hope}}} but all that happened was a retail debt fueled spending spree and no healthcare. Oh right, the banking industry must have been punished for that, surely? They didn’t just shift the bubble to permanent debt like student loan backed securities and securities fraud?

    Damn they said that in 1992 and we got Glass-Steagall repealed. But look we ran a federal surplus, hooray all is well!

    It’s so strange, I keep holding my nose and voting blue no matter who but the US keeps getting more right wing and capitalists keep consolidating power.

    Can you explain why this time will be totally different? After all, according to your logic, if a vote for not-Biden is a vote for Trump just like you say, then a vote for Biden must be a vote for Trump as well?

    I mean, we voted blue so there should be plenty of examples of Democrats taking material action to reject fascism and the wholesale plunder of the working class by capitalists, right?

    The blues will fight back this time, right? They’ll reverse the line, right?

  • The problem is for those of us who go out of our way to make women feel more comfortable and safe in male dominated environments, hearing women treat you with the same disdain as a sex pest just makes you stop giving a shit.

    Which again, I’m sure has happened with other “women when x occurs” memes as well.

    Overall very eye opening. I’ll hold my own doors and stop moderating conversations I guess. Just keeping to my own business.

    This entire issue is clearly just another culture war wedge being pushed by right wing think tanks except the target audience absolutely ate this one up as well as the victims.