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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Trump became president by winning over enough Republican primary voters and then exploiting the electoral college’s inbuilt favoring of conservatives.

    For someone better to get in, they have to go through one of the major parties, and that means winning a primary. As such, by voting in a primary, there is the chance to actually stop a genocidal maniac from being put on the ticket in the first place. In our current system, that is unfortunately our best option. Voting third party in the general election in a first-past-the-post system that filters the popular vote through the electoral college is about as close as you can get to throwing your vote away without putting it in a literal trash can.

    For the record, while this is the system that we live with and have to work within as long as we have it, this system is also total shit and we should absolutely abolish the electoral college and adopt a more parliamentary system like stronger democracies have elsewhere in the world.

  • What’s the point of discussing if wages have grown without factoring in inflation? If wages increase, but inflation increases by the same amount, then leaving out the latter when arguing the former seems a little fucking dishonest, no? And of course it didn’t occur to you to read past the first sentence to see where she makes that exact same point… or you deliberately ignored it to keep doubling down on the points I’ve already debunked.

    And you’ve also admitted that there are still workers making the federal minimum wage, so it doesn’t seem like this wage growth you think is such a trump card has been benefiting them at all. As I pointed out earlier, a third of the workforce is making less than $15, meaning that all of them would get a pay bump from raising the minimum, not just the ones who are already on the minimum wage. I have made this point multiple times and you still refuse to acknowledge it.

    Honestly, you’re arguing dishonestly enough that I straight up don’t believe you when you say you’d love to see wages rise more.

  • I appreciate that you want more frequent adjustments to the minimum wage. I am in full agreement. I think it should be assessed on a national level more so than local, because making it piecemeal like that leaves lots of open opportunities for bad actors to exploit it (think gerrymandered congressional maps), but I do appreciate that as far as that goes, we are largely in agreement.

    That said, Teter’s essay addresses most of the other claims in your comment, with both argumentation and sources. Maybe you should read more of that and try addressing some of her other rebuttals to your points, rather than just ignoring them and repeating yourself endlessly? Then you might at least look a little bit less disingenuous.