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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • But does actually work like an IDE? I for example love PyCharm understanding type annotation. Not only it highlights errors, but also improves autocompletion and makes big refactoring less scary.

    The integration with data grip (unfortunately that's available in paid version) allows for similar behavior with SQL contained in strings. Which IMO fixes the impedance mismatch that created the need for query builders and ORM frameworks.

  • When I said half life, I made a mental shortcut that it degrades into harmless compounds.

    The 12 days just means how long the body keeps most of tritium.

    You are talking how much radiation the water causes and that it is smaller than radiation from banana, and I’m talking that this “banana” stays in your body for 12 days and part of it your body integrates by replacing your hydrogen with its radioactive counterpart.

    You work with radiation, but this isn’t just about radiation, but also involves organic chemistry and metabolism.

  • That 12 days is not a half life, but it is how long it stays in the body before you pee it out. This only matters if you had a single incident of drinking the water or eating contaminated food not if you are constantly exposed to it then each time you consume affected foods you know it stays with you for about 12 days and small part of it stays with you forever as your body doesn’t see the difference between tritium and hydrogen, so it will be happy to use the radioactive version, which could increase your chances of cancer as well as your future generations.