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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • The problems listed in the article are real. we’ve built a system:

    1. Where a lot of economic growth stems from an increasing supply of (cheap) labour
    2. That relies on people of working age being able to financially support a retiree class.

    Both of these are going to fall apart if the population stops growing. The smaller group of working age people won’t be enough to support the amount of retirees, and without population growth there’s no economic growth.

    It’s sad that economists correctly see all this coming but then conclude that the only solution is “make more babies.” It’s short term thinking almost by definition, because in the limit it’s rather obvious that at some point we will not have the resources to support any more people. And the closer we get to that limit the less each individual person will have (even worse when wealth is not equally distributed).

    Unfortunately I don’t see any economist putting forth a plan that accepts population decline and alters the system to account for it. It wouldn’t be easy but it seems no one is even trying.

  • I agree almost 100% with you on this. I did play Oblivion, but Skyrim has the more interesting world IMO which makes it a slightly better game. The strength of Bethesda games that makes them good, in my opinion, is the same every time: explore a large interesting world with your own created character. This explains (in part) why people like Morrowind so much: the world is just so weird and interesting.

    The problem is they don’t know how to improve on that concept. Instead they are mostly adding features that either don’t add anything to it or actively detract from it. For example, Fallout 4 received settlement building and weapon crafting. But, the time I’m spending on my town, I’m not actually out exploring. If I can craft weapons, I care less about the cool weapons I find in dungeons. Now, Starfield got rid of most of the crafted world altogether in exchange for procedural planets that aren’t interesting to explore at all.

    Aan an aside, I don’t think it even makes sense to compare the first two fallout games with the Bethesda ones. Fallout 3 and beyond are not really sequels, they’re a completely different series set in the same universe.

  • And the upside down flying is simply due to gliding mechanics, no?

    Not sure what you mean by this. But planes still generate lift when flying upside down. Wings with a symmetrical curve can also generate lift. Flat wings with no curve at all can also generate lift.

    Pressure differences are definitely involved. That’s the only way air pushes against things, after all, so the fact that there is a lift force implies a pressure difference. However the cause of the pressure difference is rather complicated.

  • The numbers are different because the site doesn’t naively count every line but merges some as a single package. For example, at the very top of the Debian list we have 0ad, 0ad-data, 0ad-data-common. These are all counted as one single “package.”

    One might argue that doing the comparison in that way is more useful to an average user asking “which distribution has more software available.”

  • That’s not quite what it means. Legitimate interest is a term from the GDPR, and is one of the legal bases on which a company may process your personal data. Essentially the company has a “legitimate interest” (i.e. reasonable purpose) for which your data must be processed.

    Typical examples of legitimate interest are: fraud prevention, direct marketing, or ensuring network/information security of their IT infrastructure.

    The rest of your comment is essentially correct though. Notably, the examples above are not exhaustive: legitimate interest is fairly vaguely defined. And there is a process in the GDPR to object to your legitimate interest claim. This has resulted in essentially all data collection companies claiming a generic legitimate interest on your data, and it’s up to you to object to all of them individually. This undermines the general “you must opt in to tracking” principles of the GDPR, but until privacy agencies of the EU get around to some enforcement that’s how it is.

  • It really is as simple as blending rolled oats and water in a 1:4-ish ratio for 30 seconds or so, and straining the result twice. Adding sugar is optional. It stores pretty well in the fridge, maybe up to 5 days. Trust your nose!

    Personally I don’t make it very often, as my main use for milk is in cappuccino, and plain oat milk doesn’t steam very well. The barista editions you can buy have some added extras (fat, sugar, proteins, stabilisers) to improve the characteristics for steaming.

    I totally understand the convenience factor of store-bought too. If you don’t have a blender on standby it’s a bit of a hassle. And the store bought stuff is shelf-stable for weeks when sealed.