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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Instead of going fedi I’m going minimal.

    Reddit -> Lemmy, with the caveat that time spent on here is minimal, to be reviewed at a later date.

    xitter -> nothing, nitter.net if I want to read a xeet linked by another resource. Ultimately for me micro blogging social media is a time suck with little return.

    discord -> still on it for a few different reasons, not sure if I’ll set up matrix just to do a bridge, privacy and minimalism are clashing here.

    YouTube -> nothing, invidious if I want to watch yt content. Short or low quality video content is another time suck, try and keep video streaming to a minimum for environmental and mental health reasons.

    Netflix and others -> the high seas (it is decentralised)

  • It's like there's a historically sound reason for that or something…the events didn't even happen that long ago.

    Its like there's a historical correlation for large armies and fascist states.

    But to counter your point, Taiwan keeps on shrinking their army and even dropped conscription despite the even bigger threat of China. They know the US will bail them out just like they would Israel in an all out war. Even looking at all the defending forces in Palestinian or defensive based armies around the world you don't need a large or extremely well equipped army unless you are looking to invade am area.

    Yes, because of the aforementioned large military. And maybe they haven't lost someone in the particular fight (although it's a rather asshole thing to even mention) this is not the first time Israel and other Jews have suffered casualties from surprise attacks.

    Every surviving family or friend of someone killed is another person given reason to pick up weapons and fight. Every person who is under threat of starvation, physical violence and death is a person justified in their right to defend themselves. When there is a 36x difference in deaths and one side facing such brutality and oppression, the other side has no right to claim victim.

    You say that like it's an indicator that they're doing alright. How many people in your area feel the need to have fortified bunkers in in their homes to prevent them from being murdered by people living a few miles away? And how many of those people actually had to use those bunkers in the last month (like many Israelis just did)?

    When one side has the psychological and physical safety of a bunker in their home and the other has to face the bombs without any protection it absolutely is an indicator that they are doing alright.

  • Proportional in the context you're using it doesn't mean what you think it does.

    Proportionality is important in international law which is one of the reasons that the UN keeps calling out Israel for war crimes. Another cool fact in international law is that the threat to national security has to be imminent to strike into another country. They can't just bomb in retaliation and say they are preventing future attacks.

    You're probably one of those people who says things like genocide when the population has doubled since 1950, or apartheid when Arabs serve in the IDF, sit as judges in the courts and hold seats in the parliament.

    Big Zionist misinformation here, population numbers going up can not disqualify acts from being genocidal. Also black people participated in South African society in the same way but no one would say SA wasn't an apartheid state because a minority existed in the army or parliament.

  • My problem is not with inclusivity but with promoting uptake. If you are familiar with the grammar or phonetic sounds or some of the vocab, you are more likely to find that language easier to learn.

    Both English and Esperanto share the same problems of universal languages that I mentioned. English does have the advantage of number of speakers but it is a mess of a language for people to have to learn.

    Again to reiterate my counter to universal languages, why not learn and potentially help revive your local indigenous languages. In a world where universal translation exits on our phones everybody being able to speak the same language matters less.

  • Someone already said that either the created language takes from too few source languages and alienates speakers of languages with no common characteristics or takes from every language family and becomes a horrible mess that's hard to speak for everyone.

    So if a world language is a bad idea no matter what languages you use as a source, why not have Esperanto or something similar for Europe/English speaking world and then a different language for Asia, and another one for Africa. You've reduced the number of translators needed and left most people with a language close to their mother tongue. You could also break the suggested regions in to smaller sections eg give Germanic Europe a common Germanic language. West/south Europe get Esperanto, east Europe sets a common slavic language. You still get languages that don't neatly fit like Hungarian but its better for most language learners than the last example.

    Personally I'd not propose universal languages as a utopian idea and instead promote indigenous languages such as Catalonian, Breton, Irish and promote learning many languages in a post work society.

  • If you said black people were too incompetent to free themselves from slavery you'd be racist.

    If you say Palestinians are too incompetent to win any wars then you're racist.

    Its the same fucking thing you dolt and victim blaming.

    You don't repeatedly start wars, lose those wars, and then get to dictate terms to the winning army.

    So might is right. If the Nazis won world war two, do you think they should be allowed to do what ever the fuck they want to conquered peoples because they won?

    It is apparent that the Palestinians will not or cannot stop their children from attacking Israel.

    You keep saying palestinian children are threats and Israel should be allowed to destroy any threat even if its not imminent (contradicting international law but hey ho) then saying oh but children aren't actually being targeted, they're just dying in large numbers because of IDF whoopsies.

  • If Palestinians cared about their children, they would raise them to not attack Israel. Apparently, they cannot or will not. This is the consequence. Israel is not there to exact an eye for an eye. They are there to destroy any threat to their security. That means destroying Hamas and all who support them.

    Again this is you saying Palestinian children are threats and that Israel is justified to remove threats

    The Palestinian people are too fucking incompetent

    Nice racism

    You claimed at the beginning of this that you are pro-palestine

    Yes personally, I'm pro-palestine which means I'm anti-israel not anti-israeli. The state built on fascism and oppression is what needs destroyed not the people. Nice of you to shoehorn the old if your anti-israel you are antisemitic, really filling up my Zionist bingo card.

    You can't pretend that those calling for peace are calling for the destruction of Israel and should be suppressed.

    I'm not pretending, you just admitted to it.

    When I talk about the people who call for peace, I'm talking about other people from myself, the liberals who IMO misguidedly see peace without Palestinian liberation as the solution. You insult your own intelligence to call these people anti-israeal or pro-palestine. They are pro-peace. We can both say they are wrong but they mean well. It is their human right to protest and in a democracy individuals should be able to call out their government for committing war crimes or supporting war criminals. This isn't possible in Israel and a good few western nations supporting Israel right now.