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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • You are completely right. There’s an entire ecosystem of right wing propaganda channels out there but most people get their news from their friends. It’s the key phenomenon behind influencer culture. And that’s how most of the damage is done.

    If someone has one friend who is considered knowledgeable on current affairs and that one friend watches Fox, chances are that none of his associates will have an accurate understanding of any given topic. And that’s by design. The kind of tripe spread on fox news is inflammatory and salacious. The sort of noxious trash you’d share with friends in private conversation.

    I realize this is what TikTok and facebook maximize: The friend effect. People learn from their friends. The kind of lies spread by right wing networks is magnified by social media and Russian bot farms.

  • I’m glad someone else remembers this bs. The right wingers attacked Obama in the same way because he was raised by a white single mother in Hawaii and later by an Indonesian step father overseas. Because these idiots don’t have a word for that, they attacked him as a pretender. But let’s be clear, they don’t do ambiguity because complexity loses them voters.

    Strangely the right wingers got something almost correct for a change. It’s true that the concept of “race” is both racist and artificial. It’s how you were raised that largely determines your culture. Obama wouldn’t fit in in Africa. True. But he was raised as an American. THAT MEANS HE’S AMERICAN.

    The same is true for Harris. Its sad that she’s going to get attacked for being raised by an Indian-American-Jamacian mother in oaktown (which was predominantly black back then) because of stupidity and the great orange puff’s lack of self control

  • This seems like an already failed banking model which places lenders at the front of the pack and will lead to only larger asset bubbles. Japan’s Kiretsu system of banking led to banks taking out loans to cover up their own investment losses as they had put their money into an asset bubble which collapsed. Banks then committed wholesale fraud by disguising such losses on their books. The Japanese government then used quantitative easing. They create money ex nihilo, swap the money for a t bill, then they bought the toxic assets by giving t bills to the bank. The bank doesn’t sell the t bill, they merely collect interest on it.

    The main effect is a system in which bubbles are never popped and consumers suffer a declining standard of living in order to keep asset prices high.