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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2024


  • Sage advice, brother. Clearly they’re going to release another bio-weapon, crash the world economy, and trigger riots throughout the country. While all this is going on, nuclear war will start in the middle east, and from there spread all over the world. China and Russia will team up and try to take over a weakened United States.

    Things are about to get real, for sure, but hiding only works very short term. I think the only way forward, after the initial attacks, is to link up with other like-minded people that share your values, and care for one another more than themselves. Even Mark Zuckerberg with his $100M bunker in Hawaii (with a submarine escape hatch) won’t stand a chance. It’s all delusion to think we’re going to survive what’s coming on material preparation alone.

    You’re totally right though. We need to get out of the cities (they’re going to be death traps) and get as much storable food as you can.

  • The mainstream media “fake news” has created a caricature out of Trump. They have taken what he has said out of context, taken soundbites, and not accurately reported what he’s said and done. Therefore, it is no surprise to me that you, and many, feel the way you do. I’d be on your side if I believed the caricature version.

    Look, I’ve talked to enough people to realize that we have more in common than not. And what’s dividing us are the filters. I listen to Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and Joe Rogan. Others (speaking in generalities, not specifically you) may read and listen to MSNBC, Salon, The Atlantic, The Rolling Stones, etc. Fair to say these two categories are not even reporting the same basic information, let alone opinion on the matter.

    May I suggest listening and going to these sources that don’t agree with you (or you even find very offensive), and see what they have to say. That’s why I’m here. I want to connect with people, and see what people I don’t necessarily agree with are saying. I don’t care what you believe or where you came from.

    I realize I didn’t exactly answer the question you asked, but if you really are interested in what I think (and I’m no one special) reply and I’d be happy to talk to you.