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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • scopstomemes@lemmy.worldThis is a robbery
    481 month ago

    I know some bank tellers who say they are taught to comply with ANY robbery instructions. Even if it’s as simple as someone slipping them a note saying, “This is a robbery” with no explicit threats. If they feel comfortable, they can slip him the marked bills or dye packs, but they won’t be punished if they don’t. Get the robber out, lock the door, call the cops.

    I could totally see the tellers recognizing the avocado for what it was and figuring it was on the cops to catch him, not theirs.

  • (First off, the last gen versions were a shit show and I fully believe CDPR should have bit the bullet and cancelled those preorders. That was a failure at the high levels, not with the devs. This is about the PC version:)

    Hey yo, I’m one of those idiots that gave it a good review, and that was day one. Yeah, it had a bad launch, but I’d argue it was no worse than No Man’s Sky, or Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, or The Witcher 3. All of the above are some of my favorite games of all time.

    If you don’t like the core game, cool. Agree to disagree. But the things that people love about the game now have been in there since 1.0. Sure, there are genuine criticisms to be made, but most of the hate this game got has either been patched out or was pure bandwagon hate to begin with.

  • Been following the NYT live coverage for most of the day. The defense claimed that they did not object more because there was intense discussion before the jury was brought in for the day about what the prosecution could cover in Daniels’ testimony. The defense believed that the questions asked were following what the prosecution and judge had agreed upon and that their objections would not be received well.

    It’s a flimsy justification, but that was their response during the mistrial discussion.

  • Yeah, I haven’t been clean shaven since I could first pull off a beard. Last time I saw my naked face was 15 years ago.

    That said, I have started to put more effort into my beard to try to keep up with trends. Growing it out, oiling it, shaping the edges. It’s fun, but I still find myself trimming it down after too long just to make it easier to manage.

  • I’m going to claim the family PC as my first computer. It was a 486 running DOS and Windows 3.1. I got my first taste of Windows 95 when my dad bought my sister a new PC to take to college. I remember installing Jedi Knight on there then having to wait years for an upgrade to the family PC where I could load Windows XP and play newer games.

    First phone was an old blue Nokia, possibly a 3310, looking at old pics. I called it a Blueberry to make fun of the flagships of the day. I got it at 16 when I got my license and was told in no uncertain terms that I was not to use it unless I was hopelessly lost or wrapped around a tree.

  • Unintentionally playing the housing market.

    Using some first time home buyer incentives about a decade ago, I was able to buy a house on my own. I had to pay mortgage insurance, but it still wasn’t too bad. Cheaper than renting a two bedroom apartment. Five or six years later, my city keeps popping up on Most Affordable Cities lists and the real estate turns into a feeding frenzy.

    When the market was at its peak, I listed my house for sale for about 70% more than I paid for it. I had an offer for it at 10k over asking and they’d buy the house sight-unseen within three days of it hitting the market.

    Now, this was clearly a buyer’s market so you’d think selling was easy but buying would be a nightmare right? Well, you’d be right and it took 10 months of living with my parents and a shit ton of getting outbid on houses, but I was able to get into a slightly bigger house by putting half of the value down at closing for a house that was brand new, on a bigger lot of land and closer to my family, and I was able to pay off my car loan, resulting in lower monthly payments overall for a house much better suited to my lifestyle. Since moving in two years ago, it’s already appreciated another 15%, not that I’m moving out any time soon!