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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think that’s why framing the debate is so important.

    1. This isn’t magically closing the border, this is just adding a new punishment for a small subset of people who cross illegally. Whether or not it will be effective is very debatable (if barbed wire doesn’t…)
    2. We should be talking more about the backlog in asylum cases, why aren’t we providing adequate funding for the courts to do their job.
    3. Why do we make asylum seekers wait so long to seek asylum and get authorization to work, how does this do anything but place a burden on support systems?

    And so on. This isn’t about stopping immigration, it’s about punishing those who do. [Too] Many will still support that, but it’s a harder stance to take.

  • I won’t rehash my opinions, they already been better said here, but I want to add I hate the phrase “close the border”. What the fuck does that mean, was it open, did the last one in forget to close the door?

    From the article, he is considering taking action “to restrict migrants’ ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border if they crossed illegally” which has a lot more nuance and is important to the discussion. So this will specifically affect people who have a legitimate claim to asylum, the border was never “open” to any migrants without it (or a visa).

  • I’m approaching 40 this year. Around 20, I missed an important uni deadline, and meant the degree I had planned would cost me an extra year I couldn’t afford (like literally couldn’t afford the tuition). Managed to finish, but with a degree no one would recommend. Was absolutely panicked.

    Ultimately, ended up very successful in a job in a country on the other side of the world. Met the woman who is now my wife of 13 years, had some amazing adventures, moved to a few more different countries, changed industries again about 10 years ago, and worked my way up to upper management again before leaving that field too.

    TL;DR No, stress has brought me nothing but misery, I have no regrets except that I didn’t enjoy the ride as much as I could have.

    Learn new stuff as you work, or as hobbies (my entire second career started as a hobby). Don’t be afraid to “fake it till you make it” and keep an eye out for jobs you didn’t even consider as a possibility. I personally avoid corporate gigs, smaller independent companies are more likely to notice you and use you for the skills you bring. Life can fly by, enjoy the ride.