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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 27th, 2024

  • I’ve never seen proof he didn’t fuck a couch, any more than I’ve seen proof Glenn Beck didn’t rape and murder a young girl in 1990 (look it up if you don’t know what I’m referring to, is on the wiki).

    Re slippery slope, conservatives love them: for trans rights it’s “I identify as an attack helicopter”, 20 years ago it was “what if people want to marry their pets”. No real difference in the sociopathy of those offering up the suggestion, just a new front line.

    I do agree there’s a line: there’s on one part the paradox of acceptance or whatever it’s called which is explicit. In this case we are also saying it’s weird to hold beliefs that are so out of touch with reality or the people they impact. It’s weird to care what restroom people use, especially for those of us in states that have removed the victorian stigma on all-gender shitters. It’s weird to care what sports other people play. It’s weird to make up lies about Olympic athletes in order to push your agenda of making life worse for a 12 year old in Virginia. It’s all weird.

  • You have granular control over universal windows apps (ie windows 8+ apps) and one global lock over all desktop apps (non uwp), and one global lock over everything. It’s pretty solid considering how little control Microsoft has and it’s wonderful fetish for compatibility.

    Tldr basically same as Linux, except app distribution in Linux was bad enough for so long that more stuff is in the new restricted format while windows still has tons of things which will never go away and aren’t in the sandbox. I think not finding a way to sandbox all desktop apps was a mistake.

  • Signal is an objectively better experience than xmpp, and has about identical security (same with matrix). Irc isn’t secure afaik. Telegram isn’t secure afaik.

    A better wish would be that people in 2024 would stop being fuckign weird about their cell number. Some people don’t want to give it out despite white pages being the standard for years (and how the Terminator knows who to kill). Other people refuse to use a messaging app where they can’t use their phone to sign up. Some people want to sign up with their number but not give it out.