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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2024


  • Ah yes, such accountability. 5 whole ass fines (for an evil company like Google that probably deserves 10x more) of which they made the money back in less than 3 days lmao

    I can’t believe someone who seems as smart as you seem to be can look at that and be like “yes, this is meaningful” lmao. GDPR had absolutely no impact whatsoever. It’s the most pointless piece of legislation ever passed by the EU and the competition is pretty stiff in that category. They fucking regulated the shape of fucking bananas and cucumbers. They ban companies from saying drinking water hydrates you.

    Look, feel free to believe the EU gives half a fuck, in reality it’s just the same bunch of neoliberal vampires who need to get publicly executed for their crimes against the people.

  • Yes sorry, I meant privatization, brain fart moment.

    I don’t think universal charging or gdpr are meaningful in my everyday life. Do you want to know how I dealt with Apple’s bullshit premium prices on their slightly different shaped plug?

    I didn’t buy Apple products. And even with universal charging, I still won’t. I literally do not care about this universal charging thing. USB has been a de facto standard in my life long before the EU decided to randomly care about it.

    The only effect of gdpr is having to click on a trillion check marks every time you visit a website if you care about your privacy, or just give up and click the ‘accept all’ button, and even if you turn them all off, there’s still a trillion trackers because of ‘necessary’ ones.

    These two ‘achievements’ are the most meaningless things ever.

    The thing that actually impacts my life, for example, is the EU’s constant fight against biodiversity, by preventing the sales of any seed that isn’t pre-approved in a list designed by some corrupt official paid by Monsanto and friends.

    The EU can get fucked.

  • The EU can get fucked too. They forced the fishermen who received subsidies because of the crazy oil prices that forced them to stay in port to return the money. They forced the nationalisation privatization of our energy production, of our railways, etc. Things that shouldn’t be operated around profit margins are now forced to pay dividends to greedy cunts wo provide nothing of value to our society.

    A significant portion of our problems today is due to the loss of economic freedom and the forced capitalist march led by the eurocrats.

    Burn everything down, make heads roll.

  • France has been led by liberals for years now, enshittified without mercy by these rich fucks, these EU sellouts. Our education is fucked, out healthcare is fucked, our lifestyle is fucked, all to please these rich cunts. it’s time we bring out the guillotine again.

    Fuck the EU, fuck macron, fuck these pretend left wing cucks from LFI and PS, fuck the nazi cunts.

    Only one solution, revolution. Heads need to roll again to remind them who’s in charge.