Your average Reddit escapee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • That’s not a Google issue. That’s literally each and every public traded corporation. They need to maximize shareholders profits by definition.

    Could we stop stock markets and that? I’d love it.

    I don’t believe anyone decided to step in deeper shit one step at a time, they listed, and from there onwards it’s the only possible path. Death by a thousand greedy strokes.

  • Yup. They have updated studies, as late as last year, without much change in the outcome. People have been vaping for 13-14 years now too.

    My point being, we have studies its less unhealthy by a huge degree, and it’s also backed up by anecdotal evidence.

    Whatever the case, if you are a smoker, you definitely will live longer if you switch to vaping.

    How much longer compared to no smoking/vaping remains to be seen in long term.

    Anecdotally: just about every smoker I know has had the effects of smoking related problems go away just after few months of vaping. No wheezing, smokers cough going away, respitory issues and sleep apnea either reduced or gone.

  • Do you also get surprised when you backspace a tab and suddenly it removes more whitespace than 1 characters worth?

    Or did you learn it fast and really never think about it?

    I think it’s more a “getting used to” thing, that once learned, you don’t think about, but it makes things more readable.