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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Nothing spiritual about it for me… My psychedelic exploration phase is largely behind me these days, but it was never about spirituality for me, and as someone who abhors magical thinking, I never once believed it was anything more than chemical reactions in my brain.

    Which is what I found far more fascinating… Particularly with LSD, how a dose weighed in micrograms that is expelled from you body completely, through your urine, within an hour or two, can set off a switch in your brain that will cause your to experience 8-12 hours of intense psychedelic visuals and mind fucks that truly cannot be expressed in words.

    It sucks that you never felt that curiosity about your own brain and what it is actually capable of.

  • Next the GOP will be screaming to nationalize these publicly traded companies so the public has no say in how they’re run.

    For one, nationalizing would have the opposite effect. It literally means that the company is administrated by the people of the nation, and therefore they reap the profits/rewards. It also means they have more control.

    Sure, an autocrat might try to use this to consolidate power, but the concept of nationalizing isn’t inherently bad. It can be done correctly, and be a great boon for society.

    Which is why, second, the GOP would never do such a thing. Wrest control of private corporations from billionaire capitalists that fund their campaigns and hand it to the people? Lol are we talking about the same party?

  • Imagine having the worst flu you’ve ever had. It feels like you’re dying. And there is literally only one thing that will help and taking it will instantly cure you.

    You’re going to do what you can to get that thing. It’s a difficult urge to fight, especially when it feels like life or death (and in the case of alcohol and benzos, it can be).

    Your body dictates that you do things all of the time… You can only hold in your piss and shit for so long before it starts to harm you. You need to eat food. You need oxygen, and cannot hold your breath until you die. Your body has tons of “reflexes” that cause you to do things outside of your control all of the time.