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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日


  • She literally said they only invaded because they had a gun to their head and the response was relatively moderate. You said she is talking about western foreign policy. I built no straw man. You both just said that shit. No one pointed shit at Russia. Russia didn't like the new government in Ukraine. Took over crimea. Trump was in office so the response was meh. So then Putin went for round 2. And she said it was in response to being threatened. And was a moderate response.

    Why don't you take your tankie ass to Ukraine and see the moderate response first hand.

  • There is a fucking chasm wider than the grand canyon between being left on the political spectrum and being a stalin apologist. And pretending that third parties in the US elections format don't act as spoilers and that is a liberal myth is either (a) just being really fucking stupid or (b) some tankie bullshit made by a person living in lala land.

    See, I'm complex enough to acknowledge that the democrats kind of suck overall, having multiple parties would be better, but also accepting that given how the current system functions things can absolutely be worse if Trump wins again. Let us not forget that last time Stein implicitly supported Trump saying she like he won't be able to get anything done but Hillary is efficient and will likely make things worse. Stein is fully capable of pulling just enough votes that Trump could win. And last time that ended Roe v Wade. This time, say buh bye to assistance for Ukraine. He wanted to fuck up NATO before. I'm sure that'd be real high priority now.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good. This is not how I'd like the world to be. But there is no magic wand and you can't just pretend things are totally different and think that has an effect.

  • Oh damn. You're right. I'm a little more familiar with ben Gvir's history than the whole movement and conflated them. Looking into it, I have changed my stance. The military needs better separation of Torah and State. Also, ben Gvir and Otzma Yehudit are still just giant piles of shit.

    I still have issues with much of the Haredi. Things like their iron grip on religious control in Israel, domestic abuse issues, cult like behavior, demanding special treatment, and feeding off of others to survive.

    But yeah that isn't Otzma Yehudit. They're more of religious militants it seems. Certainly not helping the state of things. Doesn't help that the haredi groups and religious zionists easily form coalitions.

  • Ah so I got it backwards. They started with noting abuses, but the letter gained them some notoriety(or infamy depending on who you ask). Good to know.

    Again, I have mixed (at best) feelings about it. They do these things in public so don't necessarily have a reason to expect privacy. I have experienced harassment on campus, myself. But I'm unsure that it will have the desired long term impact.

  • So other minority groups are given authority on deciding what is and isn't racist, bigoted, etc.
    to them. Particularly amongst the left. Why are Jews not afforded that same authority? The vast majority of Jews in the US support Israel. We are typically Zionist. And when a terrorist group attacked Israel, rather than blaming the group that literally stated their goal is to kill all Jews, they blame the state of Israel for the entire situation and everything that has happened before, we aren't supposed to see that as antisemitic? When they say Free Palestine. From the river to the sea. We aren't supposed to see that as antisemitic? Why? Do some of us look too white to be a proper minority? Sure didn't stop synagogues from getting bombed. Didn't stop attacks from the Klan. Exclusion from public spaces, and this is just in the US. Should we also look at Europe? One of the reasons Jews support Israel is that now, for the first time in a long time, when people turn on us again, we still have a home.

  • This started as a response to the letter (as far as I can tell). But Hillel groups at universities (mine included) were regularly harassed by groups supporting a free Palestine. After the response to the letter, they realized "hey maybe we can do something about shit like that, too" (not a direct quote by them).

    I mean we were just trying to hang out, pray, and eat food together. And my gut feeling is all of those people should be shamed. But my slower brain reaction is that I hope some of those people that I regularly talked with started to better understand what they were saying.

  • McCarthyism targeted people for possibly (and often not actually) supporting a legal political movement. Supporting terrorist organizations and that being made public isn't the same thing. And an individual or group using a website announcing someone's public actions isn't the same thing. McCarthy abused his authority as a member of the federal government to harass and and punish. Canary mission has no such authority. It just turns out a lot of people don't like people who side with terrorists.

    That being said, I am not really a fan of canary mission. I think more work needs to be done on education and understanding of the entire situation instead of a few of the most recent events. If I were still in the US, I would probably try to organize such groups. But it is definitely a much harder goal to accomplish.