👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • How do you imagine that geoblocking content works if IP addresses don’t expose where you live?

    And better get off the internet right now if your concern is exposing your ip cause it was never secret to begin with.

    qaz could be using any of dozens of different methods to obfuscate their IP from the wider internet to write their comment, Tor or a VPN to name just a couple.

  • Are you kidding? Think about all the skilled contributors that currently work on emulators, do you not think that some of them would switch to working on re-compiling games? And I agree there are probably weird platforms that it wouldn’t be easy for, but anything x86 is going to be much more trivial. I mean, someone was even reverse-engineering Super Mario 64, re-coding the entire game. The original source code and ability to use the code without getting sued would make things so much easier. Yeah, not every game would be done, but the big titles would be.

    As far as emulating the rest, access to the source code would make it far, far simpler to figure out compatibility issues and make sure that every game is actually playable.

  • From the AGPL:

    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it;

    Requiring the use of a trademarked logo, you won’t allow the use of, doesn’t seem very reasonable to me.

  • The difference comes when they actively *block* installation (just like Mint does).

    Dude’s anti-Mint as well. From a different comment, seems like he works (or worked) for Ubuntu.

    You know what seems more anti-consumer to me? Trash-talking your competition for making different choices to you with your FOSS they’re legally allowed to re-distribute with any changes they like.

    It’s almost like if people don’t prefer those changes or something then they won’t be popular? Oh wait, Mint is hugely popular…