woah holy shit a bio?

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • After the one in Arkansas, the pattern I’m seeing throughout history? This is a lynching. A slow process of gathering the right mob to make it a technically judicial execution (when we all agree it’s bullshit). Police shooting unarmed Black people is the same thing.

    He’s not being killed for a crime, he’s being killed for being Black. This is their whole thing. They want Black people to live in fear and be reminded that they are inferior to the racists.

    This is their institutionalized retaliation for the civil war.

    I don’t know how, but the entire stack of people that could have prevented this but didn’t should now be considered murderers and in some future they will be tried with conspiracy to murder and be incarcerated. We cannot send the message that this is in anyway ok in the year 2024.

  • Henry McMaster, John W Kirttredge, John Cannon Few, George C James Jr., David Garrison Hill, Letitia Hamilton Verdin, should be charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

    The witness Steven Golden should be now tried as guilty of murder of Kalil Divine Black Sun Allah.*

    I’m tired of “state” immunity when it’s a few individuals doing this.

    Edit: the more I think about this? The executioner should be charged with murder. The witnesses to the execution with conspiracy as well. It needs to stop. This guy knew until his last moment of consciousness he didn’t shoot that woman. This wasn’t just a state murder - this was a lynching.

    Edit 2: Alan McCroy Wilson too. We’re making a list. It sure would suck if a future president and Congress decided to make laws that removed the “protections” these people have.

    Edit 3: Appreciating the constructive criticism here. I’ve struck the witnesses of the execution as I didn’t know what the witnesses really were. I’m conflicted on Steven though. On one hand - he committed perjury, leading to an innocent man getting executed. On the other hand, we wouldn’t know he was innocent without him recanting his testimony. The problem here is that if you don’t do something, the obvious thing is to testify against another party in exchange for leniency and then recant it later.