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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Ah, now it makes sense. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you before, with a post about how can one plan to live alone for the rest of their life, or something to that effect, and it was exactly like this.

    Seriously, I think you should not only consider, but also just straight out start therapy. And you should start it pronto. I’m sure Italy has a more or less accommodating welfare system that makes this possible. Takes jumping through a few loops likely, but my man, you seem miserable and it makes me sad to see anyone live with a mind like this. Life could, and should, be as tolerable as possible, if not even nice. I realize you are in a mental state where this sounds unrealistic or just out right hopeless dreaming, but I’m telling you, if you are in a western Europe country and have access to internet and basic utilities, you already have all it takes to make you happy. The rest of it is just improving mental health and attitude.

    Best of luck, though I expect you won’t even consider any of this and will just continue taking the easy road of ignorance and giving up. And that’s fine, it’s your prerogative. But I truly hope you find some help and people around you to get you through this rut.

  • The latter is actually a good point. I had almost forgotten how constant and combative reddit was at times with the far-right peeps and incels and whatnot. At the time it had become so normal, one didn’t even think about it. Maybe offer alternative ideas (= argue) a while or just ignore, but now that you mention it, I don’t think there has been many situations like that here, for me at least. Not to say that the enlightened centrists aren’t very much the same in practice, and those I face here every now and then. They just aren’t nearly as bad in substance.

  • Just an anecdote: Any bike I’ve ever owned, got stolen or if it was well locked, wrecked and hacked to shit for no apparent reason. I have ADHD so it’s difficult for me to go through the motions of carrying the bike with me to the office and back, each time I leave, and at home I haven’t the space to bring it up with me. Most grocers or markets or shops don’t allow me to wheel it along with me inside.

    It would be amazing if that was an option, but I’m not rich enough to replace a bike every few months, and I do move enough to warrant having a good bike, not just any cheap and rusty one. So it’s a pickle.

    I am still very much in opposition of unnecessary cars in cities, so I do not own one currently, and instead of bike, I move about with buses and trains. It’s okay, but I’d love to have the freedom some days, that a bike provides.

    But it is simply impossible for me to own one. It makes no sense whatsoever, since for some reason, the cities are not even close to safe to keep one for someone like me who’s not so great with self-execution and routines. And I live in one of the safest countries on earth, that has been declared the happiest country on earth for 7 years in row now… I can’t imagine how bad it is elsewhere…

    Sometimes reality does not fit well with ideals.

    Luckily, I have the option of public transport. But I don’t even know what I would do if I didn’t…

  • Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it. I already answered to your other comment, in which I took this one into account too, as a combiner response, but I just wanted to stop by for a bit and let you know that in no way am I hostile against what you say, or think it bad. It’s the necessary evil, in a world full of larger evils, and I can appreciate the necessity of also protecting one’s self and surroundings in the short term too, especially as the world is such a fucked up place right now.

    I still stand by what I said, and I’m a bit too much of a stubborn cunt myself to bend my own knee when faced with the grim reality of having to choose any evils (as opposed to being the infuriating idealist that I am), but I just want to emphasize that I truly do see your argument and the value in it, and I’m not trying to diminish that, mostly I guess to just spread my idea of an alternative, not a replacement, if that makes sense? That there can be, and are, different ways to face these things, without one or the other being (in my opinion) necessarily better than the other. I think it’s valid to dream big and dare to challenge the status quo. But it is also very valid to want to protect everyone from the obvious harm that would come if not enough dream big to make a point or challenge the powers that be, but still enough to give the opposition the edge. It’s a real threat and I get where you are coming from, and I can feel for you there.

    But most importantly I respect the effort you took challenging my differing stances, especially this very comment you wrote later. I appreciate you, and wish all the best. Keep up fighting for what you believe. That way you are, in fact, the change you want to see in the world. Even if our views differ, you are making a difference. 🙏🏻

  • Jesus, man. Nowhere did I ever imply that republicans, of all the world’s clowns, would do anything like that. I can understand my take being a hot one around here I suppose, but where did you get that sentiment?

    I very explicitly, and at length, argued the very opposite. I think you might’ve read my comments upside down, being from Australia and all 😁

    Edit: And I’m not familiar with Australian politics, but I feel like I faintly recall that you do have more options to vote for, with a much more sensible system, so it just seems weird for you, of all people, to get heated over my suggestions to vote for green or socialist or whatever third party one feels appropriate.

  • Those two are just ridiculous options. There is literally no one in the mainstream worth voting for, if one cares about integrity and gives two fucks about genocide.

    But that does not have to be so. There can, and should, be third party options to vote for.

    But whatever, you have your mind made up and that’s fine. Your point of view is valid and while I can not understand it, I can respect it.

    Personally I always vote either green or socialist. If neither is available, then there’s probably a lot of room to be part of a change that will benefit everyone. But not everyone has the conviction or guts to be part of that change. And that is fine. I probably wouldn’t either. I’m only benefitting from those before me, who did, unlike you, actually believe in something and change things for the better.

  • I simply couldn’t bring myself to vote for anyone enabling a genocide, while having very direct power not to. That is simply not something I could in good consciousness do.

    Luckily I do not have to, since I do not live in the us. But it is just boggling me how this is a hill someone is willing to die on. I live somewhere with a sensible system already in place, and I can’t thank my ancestors and those that came after them, especially the labour movements and very vocal activists and activism in general, enough.

    The problem out there is in the system, it seems to me, and even if we accept that the system is something unchangeable, the actual “better” candidate is still a huge problem.

    It makes no sense to vote for someone you do not endorse or want to vote. That is just a waste of your voice and your vote.

    Nothing ever changes, if nothing ever hurts. This is the very core logic of labor action too. Halting production is costly and causes problems nation and/or industry-wide, but why would anyone change the status quo if there isn’t an incentive to do so? Why give the workforce sensible salary, when all the production lines run just fine without doing that?

    Now, with the two-party system, I get the logic that if one does not vote for the democratic candidate, it lowers the threshold for the opposing forces to win. And that is bad, but mostly in the short, immediate term of a turn in office.

    But why on earth would the other side, democrats, ever dish out a good candidate, if they can rally people and get support with genocidal, spineless ones too? Why change, if everything works great without change?

    The only way you guys get actually sensible representation, and preferably even a change in the whole system, is if enough people actually feel the hurt. The horrible side to it is that those worst off will feel the hurt the most, but as things stand, those in power, even in democratic side, feel nothing, really, for the most part. So why change anything?

    If their candidate loses to fucking Trump, after everything, knowing all everyone should know by now, it should open at least some of their eyes to the fact that there are nothing but bad fucking choices, and they do not win with bad fucking candidates. Maybe Trump goes ahead and wrecks the system and goes full-ass fascist or whatever, that should finally get people to the barricades and do something about the dumb fucking system everyone keeps complaining about, but not causing enough pain for those that have any power, for them to initiate any meaningful change.

    Not voting Biden hurts, but voting for him just keeps the current fucked up status quo at play, gaining ever tighter grip, becoming harder to shake up each term. Do something. Change things. Fuck the people who keep things tasting like shit. Vote to change things. Be the revolution, or at least some meaningful change, if not that.

    Otherwise you are just allowing the Trumps of the world to play the system and keep getting away with the most ridiculous shit.

    Just my thoughts, as someone who’s always voting for my ideal candidate, but not getting fucked in the ass by doing so, because our system formed in time into something sensible via peoples’ actions, labour movements, just progress in general, instead of having to fucking compromise all ideals just to get the slightly less horrible guy to the top of the ivory tower…

  • The tips you share towards the end are good, but I don’t think discipline is the guiding star there. Neither is it failing as a parent, if one’s child isn’t necessarily academically inclined, or otherwise has struggles with higher education.

    Discipline does not work as you describe, and it does not fall so neatly into one specific category of discipline. Same as intelligence, there are different types of discipline.

    And even then, there is no distinct “adult” burnout that is something one can not get in college. That just sounds diminishing and dismissive, and can cause a lot of dangerous and unhealthy coping mechanisms or habits to form for anyone battling with very real burnout, be it in college or in other kind of working environment.

    But since your points towards the end are actually helpful and something that is widely recommended for different kind of habit forming endeavors, I’m going to go ahead and assume that you are not intentionally malicious or dismissive with your opening remarks, rather just a product of your environment, which has taught you a very narrow view of a very common issue.