just a weird little guy

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2022


  • Westerners love to fantasize about how “China is Collapsing” while their economies are in complete disarray. I’m no defender of their State Capitalist Police State, but China’s definitely doing better than the US is lmao and they certainly are in a better

    Like all this shit about “demographic collapse” is complete bullshit. Isn’t it a good thing that the population of the world’s most populous country is decreasing? Doesn’t that mean more resources to go around? Wouldn’t people in China then enjoy a higher Standard of Living, Cheaper food and Housing? At the very least they’ll be in a better shape to handle the climate catastrophe we’re going into. Something the West is not even trying to address.

    But yeah China is collapsing, okay.

  • You’re right about what a clusterfuck it would be, I’m glad you are well aware of the Sad Sorry State of the Democratic Party.

    The Easy Solution for that ClusterFuck is to maybe not try to rig the primary against Sanders. But of course they won’t do that. They will waste hundreds of millions of dollars to make sure they get another corporate puppet in there who has as much of a chance of winning as Biden.

    That again, does not disprove the fact that Biden is deeply unpopular and his election is not a safe bet. Especially if the long predicted economic crisis comes to pass or any other number of things could happen. I would be happier if Biden himself just made more commitments to progressive issues, ending the blockade or cuba or freeing political prisoners could be done with a strike of the pen. But we know he won’t do anything like that.

    We picked Biden in 2020 and picking a candidate one year comes with an implicit outcome of picking them in the next election, if they win the first time.

    This is strange logic honestly, as the DNC said in court in 2017 about having fair and impartial primaries “There’s no contractual obligation” for us to elect him again.

    That bit about waiting about 2028 is rich, why would the DNC change then? I doubt the threat of fascism would go away, they probably would have made more gains by then. They will say ‘not this year, next time’ forever. Maybe send that back to the thinktank and see if you can be not so transparent lol

    The DNC is going to do this charade of trying to browbeat and guilt trip young and minority voters into getting out the vote like they did in 2016, and I don’t think it’s gonna work. because that’s not how you win elections. You win elections by mobilizing voters, offering them things they want and delivering - the dems want to do everything but give people what they want and then wonder why they lose to a party 75% of the country hates