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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Python 2 had one mostly-working str class, and a mostly-broken unicode class.

    Python 3, for some reason, got rid of the one that mostly worked, leaving no replacement. The closest you can get is to spam surrogateescape everywhere, which is both incorrect and has significant performance cost - and that still leaves several APIs unavailable.

    Simply removing str indexing would've fixed the common user mistake if that was really desirable. It's not like unicode indexing is meaningful either, and now large amounts of historical data can no longer be accessed from Python.

  • I guess I forgot to mention the other implicit difference in concerns:

    When you are a game, you can reasonably assume: I have the user's full focus and can take all the computing resources of their device, barring a few background apps.

    When you are an application, the user will almost always have several other applications running to a meaningful degree, and those eat into available resources (often in a difficult-to-measure way). Unfortunately this rarely gets tested.

    I'm not saying you can't write an app using a game toolkit or vice versa, but you have to be aware of the differences and figure out how to configure it correctly for your use case.

    (though actually - some purely-turn-based games that do nothing until user enters input do just fine on app toolkits. But the existence of such games means that game toolkits almost always support some way of supporting the app paradigm. By contrast, app toolkits often lack ready support for continuous game paradigms … unless you use APIs designed for video playback, often involving creating a separate child "window". Actual video playback is really hard; even the makers of dedicated video-playing programs mess it up.)

  • There's tends to be one major difference between games and non-game applications, so toolkits designed for one are often quite unsuitable for the other.

    A game generally performs logic to paint the whole window, every frame, with at most some framerate-limiting in "paused" states. This burns power but is steady and often tries hard to reduce latency.

    An application generally tries to paint as little of the window as possible, as rarely as possible. Reducing video bandwidth means using a lot less power, but can involve variable loads so sometimes latency gets pushed down to "it would be nice".

    Notably, the implications of the 4-way choice between {tearing, vsync, double-buffer, triple-buffer} looks very different between those two - and so does the question of "how do we use the GPU"?

  • All of these can be done with raw strings just fine.

    For the first pathlib bug case, PATH-like lookup is common, not just for binaries but also data and conf files. If users explicitly request ./foo they will be very upset if your program instead looks at /defaultpath/foo. Also, God forbid you dare pass a Path("./--help") to some program. If you're using os.path.dirname this works just fine.

    For the second pathlib bug case, dir/ is often written so that you'll cause explicit errors if there's a file by that name. Also there are programs like rsync where the trailing slash outright changes the meaning of the command. Again, os.path APIs give you the correct result.

    For the article mistake, backslash is a perfectly legal character in non-Windows filenames and should not be treated as a directory component separator. Thankfully, pathlib doesn't make this mistake at least. OTOH, / is reasonable to treat as a directory component separator on Windows (and some native APIs already handle it, though normalization is always a problem).

    I also just found that the pathlib.Path constructor ignores extra kwargs. But Python has never bothered much with safety anyway, and this minor compared to the outright bugs the other issues cause.

  • I’ve done something similar. In my case it was a startup script that did something like the following:

    • poll github using the search API for PR labels (note that this has sometimes stopped returning correct results, but …).
      • always do this once at startup
      • you might do this based on notifications; I didn’t bother since I didn’t need rapid responsiveness. Note that you should not do this for the specific data from a notification though; it’s only a way to wake up the script.
      • but no matter what, you should do this after N minutes, since notifications can be lost.
    • perform a git fetch for your main development branch (the one you perform the real merges to) and all pull/ refs (git does not do this by default; you’ll have to set them up for your local test repo. Note that you want to refer to the unmerged commits for these)
    • if the set of commits for all tagged PRs has not changed, wait and poll again
    • reset the test repo to the most recent commit from your main development branch
    • iterate over all PRs with the appropriate label:
      • ordering notes:
        • if there are commits that have previously tested successfully, you might do them first. But still test again since the merge order could be different. This of course depends on the level of tests you’re doing.
        • if you have PRs that depend on other PRs, do them in an appropriate order (perhaps the following will suffice, or maybe you’ll have some way of detecting this). As a rule we soft-forbid this though; such PRs should have been merged early.
        • finally, ordering by PR number is probably better than ordering by last commit date
      • attempt the merge (or rebase). If a nop, log that somewhere. If not clean, skip the PR for now (and log that), but only mark this as an error if it was the first PR you’ve merged (since if there’s a conflict it could be a prior PR’s fault).
      • Run pre-build stuff that might need to create further commits, build the product, and run some quick tests. If they fail, rollback the repo to the previous merge and complain.
      • Mark the commit as apparently good. Note that this is specifically applying to commits not PRs or branch names; I admit I’ve been sloppy above.
    • perform a pre-build, build and quick test again (since we may have rolled back and have a dirty build - in fact, we might not have ended up merging anything!)
    • if you have expensive tests, run them only here (and treat this as “unexpected early exit” below). It’s presumed that separate parts of your codebase aren’t too crazily entangled, so if a particular test fails it should be “obvious” which PR is relevant. Keep in mind that I used this system for assumed viable-work-in-progress PRs.
    • kill any existing instance and launch a new instance of the product using the build from the final merged commit and begin accepting real traffic from devs and beta users.
    • users connecting to the instance should see the log
    • if the launched instance exits unexpectedly within M minutes AND we actually ended up merging anything into the known-good branch, then reset to the main development branch (and build etc.) so that people at least have a functioning test server, but complain loudly in the MOTD when they connect to it. The condition here means that if it exits suddenly again the whole script goes up and starts again, which may be necessary if someone intentionally tried to kill the server to force a new merge sequence but it was too soon.
      • alternatively you could try bisecting the set of PR commits or something, but I never bothered. Note that you probably can’t use git bisect for this since you explicitly do not want to try commit from the middle of a PR. It might be simpler to whitelist or blacklist one commit at a time, but if you’re failing here remember that all tests are unreliable.

  • I likewise don’t really use Godot, but for graphics in general, the 4th coordinate is important, even if it is “usually” 1. It’s most obvious to correctly interpolate near the poles of a sphere with a single rectangular texture, but think for a minute what “near” means.

    Back to the main point though: the important things we normally rely on for matrix math are associativity (particularly, for exponentiation!) and anticommutativity (beware definitions that are sloppy about “inverse”).