• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I’m going to rant here because your comment re-ignited my rage.

    My family and I have weekly dinners. I drive over there and pass through their neighborhood. They own a successful business so it’s a pretty nice neighborhood with a good median of trees down the main road passing through (still a 25 MPH speed limit). And every week for several years now, there is a discarded Pepsi can in the median. Not the same can, but a new can every week. Someone drives through there, likely multiple times a week and I’m just not there to see it, and throws a Pepsi can in roughly the same spot.

    It enrages me. It’s so senseless and selfish that I cannot even fathom a reason. My best justification is that they’re a person who is “sticking it to the rich” by littering in a nice neighborhood, but that’s being extremely generous. I am convinced it’s purposeful because the consistency is staggering. A new can in the same 100 feet of road, every day.

    And I know it’s not the same can because if it snows, the snow obscures the cans and the poor hero picking them up can’t see them, so when the snow melts there are several cans littered about.

    It genuinely makes me so angry, because it’s so inexplicably terrible. I just hate things I can’t understand. It makes me more angry than Donald Trump because at least with Trump, on some level I get it. I may hate what he’s doing but I can logically see why he’s doing it and that understanding is almost calming, in a sense.

    But this? Absolute nonsense. I just cannot see why someone would do this

  • I used to be really into doing Google Maps and uploading reviews, images, and updating stuff. I got a real sense of community out of it for almost no effort.

    But now I’m trying to cut back on Google so much, trying to use Organic Maps more often.

    I was also always self-conscious about taking pictures of stuff in a restaurant and eventually couldn’t stomach it anymore.

  • I actually disagree on this one. The show made such bizarre choices and had unrealistic scenarios, it took me out of the story. I actually read the book because I was watching the series and was so confused by some of the story beats that I was convinced the book would explain the reasoning behind them.

    Ended up just being mad at the series for not following the book more closely. The changes to the Prophet are just wild - taking a pedophile and making him a protagonist is just a poor choice, from my perspective… Even if you write out the pedophilia why you gotta make him have an army of kids?

  • One thing that always stuck out to me about the book is the introduction of certain editions. The author writes about himself researching the history of the country the story takes place in and describes it as real, saying he took his son to a museum with Inigo’s sword and everything.

    I was Googling furiously when I read it because I was so confused. I was astounded that the place (and people) was “real”. It took a bit of research to find that the author just does this bit and hasn’t let it go since he wrote the book

    I’m still so charmed that he tricked me. It made reading the book that much sillier, for me

  • Well yes, but also no. You can’t reproduce a book because that violates copyrights.

    Open source in this context just means that nobody owns the book, you can reproduce it however many times you want, and distribute it where you want as long as you include the original license in the reproduction (MIT license).

    Also, there’s a bit of a colloquial understanding that others are able to contribute or fork the original source material.

  • NotNotMiketoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml...
    442 months ago

    “Do you think fighting can be part of a healthy relationship?”

    My wife and I rarely fight, we’ve maybe had two or three in our entire relationship, and they weren’t yelling matches We just got upset and patched things up relatively quickly. I don’t think I could be with someone who thinks raising their voice at another person is okay, and surely not if they think it can be healthy. And hard “hell no” to any violence.

    So, this is a weedout question

  • Actually, the middle man is why I picked them… I’m just trying to give Mozilla extra revenue streams besides donations from Google.

    But it is good to know its at least not a bad option. Their client is decent enough, I have no problems with it, so I’m happy to continue to support them and think of it as a monthly donation

  • No one seems to have said it yet, but consistency. Waking up at the same time every day including weekends. Eventually, you just wake up early naturally. I get up at 5:30 am every day on the dot with zero alarm just because it’s when I wake up. And I’m never groggy, because I’ve adapted to it. It’s not early anymore it’s just when I wake up

    I think the second half to this is that it can’t be a chore. You have to want to wake up. If you wake up and think about how much you hate being awake it will be all the harder