• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Uff, okay. So that was a quote? I assume there is a reason they did this (from my perspective bad) relabeling. (From my perspective bad because FF is often played by a younger audience and they are at risk to learn the terminomolgy wrong and keep that for their whole life. causing potential misunderstandings and embarrassings)

  • OP stated it happens to their “best” shirt, so those are $25 upwards easily. Take two, get one wool.

    I suppose washing intervals depend on work, climate and personal disposition but in any case you get way more mileage between washes on wool than cotton. My cotton shirts would last only two days before I had to wash them again and they were never as fresh as wool shirts straiht from the washing machine. I also did not say “wear it for two weeks in a row” but one 2-3 days ,then hang it oit in the fresh air while wearing the next. Then after some days you can wear the first again because wool is kind of self cleaning and anti bacterial. No problem. I have daily meetings in person and I have to be clean and nice.

  • Why the negative votes?

    Personally I have only a hand full of t-shirts, all made of good 100 percent wool. I rotate them in use and I get maybe two weeks of time each before I have to wash them again because wool is not getting stenchy very fast, is anti bacterial and has a good climate while wearing, be it cold or hot weather. They get washed inside out and with pretty cold water, which is good for the fabric, and dry on air, because that’s energy efficient and also good for the fabric. I have them for like two years now and they look brand new, no pilling, no tears, no nothing. The wool flows and gleams like at the first day. Just. Do. Not. Buy. Trash.

  • So, let me get this straight. I will make a list of things I do not understand and I hope you can clear these points up to me. Please reference them in your reply so I understand to which of these points you are referring to.

    1. Some activists assemble in front of an university.
    2. They are enraged about a political situation on the other side of the world.
    3. That involved countries there have nothing to do with either the University or the country they are now protesting in.
    4. They set up camp.
    5. They break up doors and enter the University’s rooms with force.
    6. They destroy property within the University.
    7. The University watches and endures this for several days.
    8. Finally, after financial and other losses, the University calls Police to end all this.
    9. The protest was neither registered nor was is coordinated; no spokesperson or head was named or is available.
    10. Police was shouted at, attacked, and met with overall and disproportionate anger, hostility and force.
    11. What exacty has this whole action brought to the initial intention of the protesters? Did they reach their goals or got closer to these?

    I am exposing myself here because I do not understand the situation and am wondering why everybody is wondering the Police had to mop this up.

  • It’s just unnecessary. If you can’t control yourself from harming others, animals or things, there is work to do.

    I am not saying one can not have the thoughts of doing the wildest or weirdest things. Thoughts about options are okay but having an urge to commit diametral actions or even performing them seems somewhat pathologic to me.