• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月16日


  • Or being unable to install third-party apps or other browser engines is supposed to be for security reasons. Or being environment friendly through their recycling program when the truth is that they only do that to keep spare parts out of reach of independent repair shops. Pure gaslighting.

  • I’d have a bit more symphaty if they at least tried to do the bare minimum before choosing the nuclear option.

    Most notably, the PVE queues in LoL were infested with bots for years and you could tell them apart from real players before they even made their first move. Often times you’d be the only human player. If stuff like that wasn’t caught, I have serious doubts about their previous efforts to catch “real” cheaters.

  • Yes, there were lots of other issues, but what I’m mostly referring to was that many of these broken systems wouldn’t have to be built if stuff like DOTS and virtual texturing wasn’t unfinished:

    And the reason why the game has its own culling implementation instead of using Unity’s built in solution (which should at least in theory be much more advanced) is because Colossal Order had to implement quite a lot of the graphics side themselves because Unity’s integration between DOTS and HDRP is still very much a work in progress and arguably unsuitable for most actual games. Similarly Unity’s virtual texturing solution remains eternally in beta, so CO had to implement their own solution for that too, which still has some teething issues.

  • I have a Onyx Boox Nova C that has pretty much the same technology (Kaleido Plus) and would say that the color display is mostly just a neat gimmick that comes with some tradeoffs. Compared to a pure monochrome E-Ink display the contrast is much worse and colors don’t really pop either. You basically always need at least a bit off background lighting to be able to read.

    I’d recommend these types of display only if being able to read without background lighting isn’t a must and even then only for stuff that’s better with color, like notes, technical books or the occasional colored page in a book/manga. If you want to read something reliant on stunning colorful artwork like graphic novels I’d stay away.