• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Instead of using YouTube for guidance, why don’t you talk to your Imam on Friday. The answer you get will be 1000 times more compassionate, practical and in-line with what your belief systems are than watching ‘Blacks for Trump’ videos.

    It really sounds like you’re brainwashed by online content if you’re a pro-Trump muslim when Trump is the most anti-Muslim President in history. He literally tried to stop all Muslims entering the United States and then changed it to ‘countries which happen to be muslim’ when he was told it was illegal and discriminatory. The list of Islamophobic Trump quotes is endless, and if you’re going to search the internet for anything I suggest you start there.

    Unless you’re a multi-millionaire or your last name is Trump, this guy is not your friend. He is nobody’s friend. Please stop caping for him on the internet because you’re only hurting yourself

  • This says nothing about Saudi Arabia deliberately ending the deal or wanting to opt-out, as OP’s article implies. At best, they’re saying the deal reached some natural expiration date. There have been no public comments either way to suggest that the deal has expired, anything out of the ordinary has happened or that it will not be renewed if this is the case.

    More importantly, this is an opinion piece on the stock tip section of a website that is notably not a news agency. If this were true, it would represent a massive Geo-political shift and would have been widely reported by now.

  • Well they are showcasing it in at least one public exhibition at a gallery this year, so the comparison to fine art is pretty good.

    But I definitely agree that it’s a shitty move of them, especially with their working class roots. They sold the album for what isn’t a great deal of money, $2million, so they either thought it was terrible or they were in a desperate financial situation and needed a quick win. It goes so much against their ethos that fans spread rumours that there was a greater plan where Bill Murray would steal the album back in an elaborate heist and then release it.

    I do think that RZA, the group member who led the sale, truly believed in his own bullshit about this being a piece of art but I can see the other group members just having bills to pay and families to feed. Considering they split the money 9-12 ways (depending on the group’s configuration at the time) and not including engineers and studio time, I don’t know how much each individual member benefited.

    They also tried to buy it back from Shkreli, publicly threatened him when they learned what kind of guy he really was and had to donate a lot of the money from the album’s sales to charity just to try to wash some of the stink off. So this whole stunt seems to have backfired on them.