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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • But in the end, yes, it is a MITM. If you need your data to be E2E encrypted, don’t use it.

    Or do use E2E encryption. You can still have a layer of encryption within the SSL tunnel that cloudflare controls. Like you’d do for an E2EE filestore: the webserver (and cloudflare) see the website woosh by, and all that you do on it, but the files themselves are encrypted opaquely to both, and decrypted only by a browser at the other end.

  • There’s a funny story from the Holocaust (yeah… bear with me)

    Nazis come into Corrie Ten Boom’s household, and they’re hiding Jews. Corrie’s sister has… perhaps an over-developed sense of honesty. Nazis demand, “where are the Jews!” The sister replies truthfully, “under the table.” Nazis don’t want to fall for it and look stupid so they don’t look under the table, and leave without finding them!

  • I think people do love to dunk on it. It’s the fashion, and it’s normal human behaviour to take something popular - especially popular with people you don’t like (e.g. j this case tech companies) - and call it stupid. Makes you feel superior and better.

    There are definitely documented cases of LLM stupidity: I enjoyed one linked from a comment, where Meta’s(?) LLM trained specifically off academic papers was happy to report on the largest nuclear reactor made of cheese.

    But any ‘news’ dumping on AI is popular at the moment, and fake criticism not only makes it harder to see a true picture of how good/bad the technology is doing now, but also muddies the water for people believing criticism later - maybe even helping the shills.