just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I encourage others to seek treatment for mental health issues if ever necessary, and I’ve heard a few success stories of people who got the help they needed from a psychiatric inpatient stay. But I’ll be honest, shit like this really worries me.

    I’ve been living with depression for many years now. It terrifies me to imagine what a full-blown crisis would be like – not just because of what I might do, but also because of what the health care system might do to me.

  • He’s got the vibe of a guy who once lost a pull-up contest and had his ego severely damaged over it. So he went home and trained on nothing but pull-ups for years until he got really good at them. And now he goes around challenging everyone to pull-up contests, insists that pull-ups are the superior form of exercise, crashes school board meetings demanding that kids be required to do a certain number of pull-ups in order to graduate, and advocates for this bizarre idea of tying voting rights to how many pull-ups you can do.

    Like, we get it. You like pull-ups. A lot. You think they’re important. But not everybody does, and certainly not enough to serve as a basis for voting rights.

    He should be happy we don’t have political power tied to some other person’s stupid niche hobby. Like owning real estate.