It’s my night Lemmians

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The one you are thinking is Adaway which makes changes to the system host file.

    AdGuard creates a local VPN connection and lets all traffic run through that blocking based on filters. Your VPN slot is taken up here.

    NextDNS just changes your phone DNS to its servers and blocks based on filters. Here, your VPN slot is essentially free for use with actual VPN apps.

  • Raced into incoming traffic to overtake a couple of large vehicles in front of me holding us all back for atleast half hour with no regards to basic lane manners.

    I can still imagine the look of horror on the face of the driver whose lane I dove into. He hoped I would back down, but I accelerated more. Luckily, he switched to his adjacent empty lane in the nick of the moment giving me the opportunity to complete my overtake missing a major RTA with barely a few inches to spare.

    Later, I felt deeply sad for endangering the lives of innocent people that day and have never again lost my cool while driving no matter how much of an asshole I meet on the road.