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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It's true Vivaldi is not free open source, the code is owned by Vivaldi however, the source code is freely available to audit which is the main security benefit you would get from a FOSS browser like Brave and Firefox. It is plainly not spyware.

    Yes there is the security risk that someone might find an exploit in the source code, and if Vivaldi is notified, users would have to wait for Vivaldi to fix it. As opposed to a third party potentially issuing a patch quicker.

    But this is also basically true for Firefox and Brave. If a security flaw is found it's more than likely going to be the Firefox or Brave team that fixes it first.

  • They really don't grow your food most of the time. Corn and Soy are the most grown crops, and 70+ % of either are ground up to feed animals or make biofuels. Biofuels don't even make economic or environmental sense at all, it's only created because the government mandates its addition to gasoline and diesel, making both more expensive. That's 40% of all corn grown literally going up in flames for absolutely no reason other than to subsidize farmers who are overproducing corn.

    American farmers also massively overproduce milk too, mostly because they can feed cows the unlimited soy and feed corn available and because the US government will literally buy up all the excess milk (and turn it to cheese and stockpile it) or pay farmers to dump it down the drain to keep the prices up.

    And it's not just milk, soy, and corn that's overproduced, it's everything. The amount of agricultural subsidy is insane, and most of it is to keep farmers in business who are growing stuff nobody wants or are growing stuff in areas where the land is so poor that without massive subsidy, there would be no profit, in the first place.

    And all of this overproduction is absolutely destroying the environment. Actual cities and towns filled with people doing actually productive things are running short of water because the government insists on keep Joe farmer's irrigation dependant farm in the goddamn desert in business producing soy beans that are then exported to feed pigs in China. Hell half the time it isn't even Joe Farmer, it's Joe Farmer Corp owned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who realized growing that same crop in their desert was unsustainable.

  • I now think that the democratic establishment must have had some divine level foresight in essentially choosing Biden over Bernie.

    If Bernie was president, could you imagine the amount of noise republicans could make about him being a communist or a socialist? How easily it would be to construe every policy as a socialist grand plan. I mean Bernie has actual long-term monetary policy that is more complicated and ambitious than the basic counter-cyclical strategy.

    You just can't do that with Biden. You've got a half century of policy to point to. You've got absolutely middle of the road economic policy. You've got a man too dull to be corrupt. How do you rally a base against the human equivalent of a pile of gravel? You're forced to make up nonsense.