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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024

  • You keep repeating it because a false dichotomy, that you must choose between a D or R, prevents you from accepting that the lesser evil is, in fact, evil. So, you’re stuck on stupid and not asking questions. This should help:

    The Democrats already, quite predictably, ignored the outcome of their primary to nominate Clinton. They’re not going to do a fucking thing that doesn’t make a corporate donor money. All of Sanders proposals took from corporations to provide for humans. He never stood a chance of being nominated as a Democrat and he damned well knew it. If we give him the benefit of the doubt then his goal was education. If not, he rallied for Democrats to avoid the rise of a Labor Party during a critical time in history.

  • If it’s after they’re elected then it’ll run down the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore of the Senate, then the cabinet.

    If it’s before they’re elected, I’m no expert but I believe the Democratic and Republican parties are private organizations that can do whatever the fuck they want, even fail to abide by the results of their own primaries.

  • Stupider or wiser relative what? If we measure against a what it takes to live a wise life at the time then people are definitely getting stupider (and you are absolutely correct). The wisdom required is rising much more quickly than the wisdom possessed.

    Perceptions are also easily swayed because we’ve been on an unusually long objectively (not relative) downward slope. Some think technology of communication the last nail in the coffin, that we will never begin to become wiser again. They may be right. You may be very, very correct. But, hope is an important thing. In this, I think one should believe what’s necessary for personal morale.

    You made me think more about pot smokers. I think you’re correct. Even in my own observation they’re a much more diverse group than I present. And, I bet a lot of them keep their habit totally private.

    I came down on you pretty hard there. I think you saw I wasn’t attacking you personally. You received it so well you even changed my perspective. This is why I’ve faith in humanity. We’ve still got the special sauce.

  • Your perspectives suck and no one’s told you. This was maybe a time when you should’ve only asked a good question.

    That’s not a judgement of you as a person.

    Handjob McVape chose a ridiculously gerrymandered district. This is middle class wage slaves, rural property owners, and the employees of rural property owners (incl. oil workers on rented rights).

    Pot smokers worldwide lean hard left or are unengaged with their political and activist proceses.

    It’s not COVID making people stupid. They’re just stupid, always have been, and don’t know it. Humans have been choosing kings to conveniently let another reason and choose for them since the beginning of humanity. They’re not changing. You are.

  • Remember conservation of momentum. The only way the machine can absorb part of the impulse is through friction, heat, and by redirecting the existing chamber pressure after the bullet has left the barrel.

    Remember the human body. Magnitude matters much more than duration. Extending the time of impulse by implementing a slide lessens magnitude, the areas under the impulse curves roughly equivalent.

    I’m going to apply the above to answer your questions to say it again :)

    Does the slide absorb any significant amount of energy?

    For a properly functioning, modern, and typically-designed pistol and a status quo definition of “significant”, the answer is: No. That’s not what it’s designed to do. But, energy can be dissipated slightly if the pistol is compensated: a redirection of chamber pressure from near the end of the barrel, upwards, counter the torque component of the recoil impulse.

    What’s the math on this, say the dissipated energy in a semi auto VS revolver using the same round?

    It’s not quite a good question. The maximum force during the impulse is what a human cares about when analyzing a slide. That’s what’ll effect accuracy of the next round and how sore your hands will be in the morning.

    If minimization of total impulse is what’s being analyzed then one would want to compare rifles. Rifles have larger rounds, longer barrel length thus more time to use chamber pressure to mitigate recoil.

    You’ve good questions for coming into the middle. Go to the beginning: rounds and various types of actions, rifleman 101. Come back to the hard science.

  • Above PugJesus talks about the energy of the round being very large. There’s more to it.

    The derringer design lacks any technology to absorb and extend the impulse of recoil, most importantly the slide found on any modern semi automatic.

    Not only is there extreme recoil, there’s also absolutely nothing to help the shooter deal with it.

  • I do not think that life will change for the better without an assault on the Establishment, which goes on exploiting the wretched of the earth. This belief lies at the heart of the concept of revolutionary suicide. Thus it is better to oppose the forces that would drive me to self-murder than to endure them. Although I risk the likelihood of death, there is at least the possibility, if not the probability, of changing intolerable conditions. This possibility is important, because much in human existence is based upon hope without any real understanding of the odds. Indeed, we are all ill in the same way, mortally ill. But before we die, how shall we live? I say with hope and dignity; and if premature death is the result, that death has a meaning reactionary suicide can never have. It is the price of self-respect.

    Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite. We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible. When reactionary forces crush us, we must move against these forces, even at the risk of death. We will have to be driven out with a stick.

  • It prioritizes profits over human needs.


    How we change is somewhat undefined. We’ve many diverse examples from history. Our side is the ideological underdog. Flexibility and diversity are two of our greatest strengths.

    The majority always chooses an authoritarian king, to let another decide for them in convenience in a paradigm as old as humanity. Critical to our collective ideological success is development of individual wisdom, that more individuals choose to learn and reason for themselves.

    The core goals originated in FDR’s 1944 Second Bill of Economic Rights, a proposed successor to The New Deal. It’s been a third party platform for eighty years, including Sanders.

    How to pay for it originated in Eisenhower’s 1961 farewell address, where he defined and warned of the military-industrial complex. His predictions were in late stages (Reagan’s nukes) in twenty five years. In 1990 perhaps the way to pay was to cut defense budget by half by 2000. But, by then the corruption likely ran too deep, as evidenced by the subsequent reckless deregulation of banks by both Democrats and Republicans (partial repeal of Glass-Steagall, Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act).

    We’re thirty five years past 1990. Banks own everything. Puppet kings are common. And, the Internet may have fundamentally changed communication and relationships so much that we could be past an “event horizon” of our Great Filter event. Belief in such a death perhaps makes it easier to cope with the fight.

    I’ve certainly lost the thread of my purpose. I hope there’s something of value for you here.

  • Assuming you’re coming from a linear programming and OOP background, then data (incl. SQL) kinda sucks because it’s not always clear how to apply existing concepts. But, doing so is absolutely critical to success, perhaps more so than in most OOP environments. Your post isn’t funny to me because I’d be laughing at you, not with you.

    If a variable is fucked, the first questions you should answer are, “Where’d it come from?” and “What’s its value along the way?”. That looks a lot different in Python than SQL. But, the troubleshooting concept is the same.

    If object definitions were replaced by table/query definitions in planning then you’d probably not have made the initial error. Again, it looks different. But, the concept is the same.