I like me some tech discussion and freedom.

Thank the sky above for the 1st and 2nd amendments.

Reality is best seen as absurd.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • This would be scary except for the part where I think many of these young activists would honestly rather have their whole search history read in court than vote for Trump.

    If it's those two guys again, the election will go exactly the same way as last time, because 99.9% of Americans will have already decided before the first presidental debate even happens.

    I know I've already decided that I'm not gonna bother come 2024 if those two are back. But I'm more apathetic about politics than the average Tlaib listener. They will almost certainly fall in line the instant the primaries are clinched.

  • Honestly, I have no real clue.

    Twitch isn't quite completely impervious to adblockers, with proxy extensions allowing us to skip ads still for now, but YouTube could do the exact same thing tomorrow if they wished. uBlock Origin wouldn't save you, SponsorBlock wouldn't save you, the only thing that could be done would be a black screen whenever an ad pops up.

    Maybe YouTube doesn't want to fall into the hole Twitch is in, with the proxy loophole, and they view fighting adblockers as a better choice than having to spend a massive amount of encoding expense to have the silver bullet in every country.

  • They're trying to clown you because "zipper merging everyone should do it" but they're not thinking about human nature once again.

    It's like communism. If everyone was perfect, leaving enough room and always willing to let people in at the top of the lane without slowing down, then it would work.

    But all it takes is one asshole, or even someone that is merely distracted by their kid or something, and the guy in the ending lane has no room and will have to slam on their brakes to stop.

    And then they somehow have to merge into decently fast traffic from a dead stop, which is not easy. (Unless of course, the other lane stops to let you in, thus delaying everyone)

    The system we do now is shitty, but the alternative if you end up caught stranded is far worse.

  • It's what needs to happen.

    People who can not abide by the social contract (whether by mental illness, addiction, or otherwise) can not be given the same freedom as people who can. They will likely abuse it for their own destructive aims. They need to be forced into rehabilitation, or, if they can't be rehabilitated, a separate housing place.


    Those services they need are either overwhelmed or don't really exist in many places, because none of us taxpayers want to spend the money to actually build them, or allow them next to our house. Which is fucked up. And it's clear that nobody is going to willingly increase their taxes to do something about it. So, what then?

    I think it needs to be declared like wartime. Set aside a certain area, get as many help people as possible, and move these people over to basically a modified refugee camp, with what basically amounts to martial law to keep the peace as much as they can. Yes, it'll be tents and sleeping bags, which is not good, but they need something. Don't be like the NYC hospital law that sends them in for three days and lets them go back out to the street, because that helps nobody.