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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024


  • The mere presence of a cop, even without a visible weapon, will escalate any situation regarding mentally unstable people. Period.

    If you don’t understand why a person going through a crisis would freak out when a figure of (ultimately violent) power appears right after they picked a weapon you have a serious problem with basic empathy.

    For the record, I haven’t had any bad experiences with cops, in fact every interaction I’ve had so far has been either neutral or actually pretty nice. I’ve had my fair share of breakdowns as a teenager tho, and I can assure you that a cop would’ve never helped a single time. Even the nicest one.

  • Ok ok, let me understand you:

    • You had bad experiences with people of the other gender.
    • You think now that every man is exactly the same, and if they don’t, they’re just evil manipulators who want to hide their true evil nature.
    • You’re complaining about people who generalize with the other gender because of their past experiences (aka. sexists).
    • You 100% agree with the post, so you support neglecting people’s feelings as long as they’re from the other gender.

    So… Are you a sexist incel? Why should men respect your feelings or validate your past experiences then? Stop trying to solve sexism with more sexism, it doesn’t work like that. And please don’t disrespect me or assume shit from my personal life amymore, it’s just lame.

  • You should be ashamed of your peers

    That’s exactly the war crime mentioned before. How is that different from blaming every german for being from the same country as nazis?

    Edit: The nazi analogy was just me trying to find an example that even a moron could understand.

    … I failed miserably

  • I know and agree. I actually didn’t even specify men, just stranger humans, as women also are way more likely to murder or rape you (statistically) than a bear. Remember we are still comparing to bears.

    Edit: to be extra clear; the danger order is human male > human female > bears (i don’t have gendered data for bears, that’d be weird).

    But that guy, as other people on this post, seemed concerned about certain communities where men are really demonized. I just added a logical conclusion you get from the numbers and his answer

  • Oh i agree on that, but matrix itself is open source, that’s why i listed it too. The 3 options are good, but the more secure the more complicated.

    Beeper is the easiest, with the con of closed-source client (the server is open source and they contribute a lot to the matrix ecosystem, thus my trust in them). This is what I’m currently recommening to most people as a lesser bad just because how easy it is to use.

    Public matrix instances are good too, i personally use frei.chat, but most of them use unmodified matrix servers and there’s a bunch of open source clients available. Bridges with other networks are configures through bots.

    Then you can self-host your own server, but it can get messy and expensive. I usually prefer to self-host everything, but decided to pass on matrix for now.

  • Feels crazy no one has mentioned it yet, but Beeper finally got released a couple days ago. Check it up, I’d recommend you to use the “OLD” client tho, new one feels like a beta version.

    It’s just a preconfigured matrix server with (proprietary) clients and easy to use bridges, it allows you to use multiple messaging networks in one app, so you could use signal or matrix chats with most people and keep only essential exceptios like the instagram class group.

    Really stupid easy to set up, and if you feel more concerned about privacy you can always search for a matrix homeserver with bridges or self-host your own (pretty complicated, wouldn’t recommend too much).