• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 20th, 2023


  • There is, and there always will be issues, this is not going to change, much less in Linux where the hardware manufacturers are many, many times offering zero help and less documentation, but they pass, they’re fixed, and things advance and improve all the time. This happens in every OS. However we’re almost certainly safe here from changes done just for the sake of profit (with extremely rare exceptions which get fought back by the community, I’m looking at you, Canonical!), so I’d say we’re MUCH better off on this side of the fence.

  • First time i hear of this, sounds handy, although I’ve seen some of those “loyalty card” thingies with chips for hands-free usage, i tend to avoid them as a general principle as they’re the opposite of privacy-oriented but for the few that you do want (like the store where you always buy your groceries from, to get extra discounts) might be handy

  • Oh yeah, this MUST be done too, but expecting that to be the solution to MS apps getting worse all the time is for the moment not a solution for the random user of the day complaining of yet another MS enshittification escalation.

    Switching to Linux gets you completely out of that mess and has lasting results, continuing to participate in the MS market might change things if the anti-monopoly forces taking encouraging actions the last few years continue advancing but will take years IF it happens, along with any class-action lawsuit, anything else in the meanwhile (patches, debloaters, secret policy rules or registry entries, etc.) is nothing more than a band-aid treating the symptoms.

    So, these discussions always devolve to this because it’s a proven and effective solution that works today and lasts, unlike any other patch that can be broken next time MS forces an update or catches you unaware, it’s hard and imperfect and “not the CORRECT way to solve the problem”, but works.

  • All these discussions turn into that because WE KNOW that no one will convince MS to stop doing whatever they want, specially after investing literally billions on this kind of technology, the idea of MS “being held accountable” is something that realistically will not happen, and literally the only leverage people have against them is to just stop playing their game. Oh yeah, it’s not easy, but given the fact that MS have made it so that you’ll HAVE to fight the tech and relearn stuff every time they unilaterally decide to change things you might as well put effort where it will make a difference and free you from their BS

  • I’ve mentioned this issue a few times, then “But Proton has proven to be good! It’s OK” is the usual response, that’s when i remind them of how Google also used to be good. I don’t really use a notes taking app, but in general after Google, the idea of “one login, a gazillion apps” is something i dislike in principle because even if the one central authority doesn’t go evil, one login incident and you’re locked out of everything you depend on.

    Yeah, I’ll continue using Protonmail but that’s likely all I’ll use from them and diversify on the rest.

  • Let’s see, on one hand we have this list compiled by somebody on Mastodon:

    • mockup looks like they’re pitching a device.
    • mockup is missing critical functionality (buttons)
    • infected with cryptocurrency brainworms
    • they haven’t decided about open source yet
    • trash talking existing devices, yet being vaporware itself
    • grand claims that have no backing in reality (like Epic, Fortnite, Roblox)

    And the article itself has this:

    Update 13:34 UTC, 19/03/24: One of the videos Playtron supplied to The Verge, showcasing some tech used on mobile in the article linked below, wasn’t even their own and was taken uncredited from another person on YouTube, who hit them with a copyright claim and had it taken down. Not a good look.

    I’m betting this is either an outright scam, or some small project by somebody WAAAAY over their head that won’t even see the light of day