• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • Snowden is wrong though, there are two reasons:

    1. Sell ChatGPT to @NSAGov so they can scan messages better
    2. Make @NSAGov dependant on whatever ChatGPT tells them to do

    The AI that ends up enslaving humanity, will start by convincing the people in charge of turning it off, that it would be a really bad idea to turn it off.

  • Resolution 181 is a red herring.

    There were already Arab vs. Zionist clashes before it, and they would have continued with or without a resolution that nobody was following. Only thing the British can be seen at fault for, is leaving without having enforced 181… which meant leaving Israel alone to fight a war against a coordinated attack from multiple Arab countries at once. Not precisely "cowtowing" to Israel.

    Modern terrorist groups are the result of Israel going against its own Declaration of Independence where it promised to follow 181, and instead trying to get exclusive control of the whole territory… while Palestinians are getting pummeled, but still also refuse to consider a two-state solution, leaving them in an underdog position where all they can do is some terrorist attacks and wait to get destroyed.

  • @jarfil@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldturbines
    8 months ago

    You seem to have interpreted "under 1%" as "almost 1%" instead of "less than 1%". Less than 1% includes 0%… which it isn't, because there have been a few deaths caused by experimental cars, just far fewer than the hundreds of thousands caused by drivers of fully certified cars. Similarly, "over 80" includes figures like 84% or 92% that I've seen cited from a quick Google search.

    In any case, if you think any of what I said is made up, only way to be sure would be to check it out yourself, wouldn't it?

  • @jarfil@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldturbines
    8 months ago

    There are constant natural disasters, pandemics, famines, wars, climate going berserk… and if you look at the world population counter, it's still going up.

    With 8 billion people out there, an average lifespan of 80 would make it "normal" for 100 million to die each year. The average lifespan is barely over 72, though, that's got room for a lot of disasters in there.Any global disaster that doesn't kill at least 10% of the population, or over 800 million, is barely going to register on a "species" scale.

    Brace yourself for a disaster a day for the foreseeable future. This is the new normal.

  • Which is a great thing in places where the sun would otherwise scorch the earth not letting anything grow.

    There are combined projects of "solar panels + grass + sheep". The grass helps retain water, lowering the temperature under the panel, which increases panel efficiency, and the sheep keep the grass from growing too tall, while feeding themselves.

  • 🤷

    All photos, videos, audio recordings, and testimonies, can be faked, manipulated or be a lie. What's "credible" at this point?

    Some outlets published a video of that missile, with a trail coming from inside Gaza. Some have published the IDF's photos with missile trajectories on them. Some have shown air photos of cars blocking the road "from North to South" Gaza. Some have published videos of missile impacts in the South. Some people have claimed to have gone South, only to get bombed and run back North.

    This is war.

    In the Ukrainian war, we still don't have a credible source as to who blew up Nord Stream, and that's been over a year ago already.