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Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I love french toast so much! When I make it at home… I whisk some eggs, milk and Cinnamon… splash the bread on both sides and let it sizzle… I also make a ton extra and freeze the left overs so when I don’t want to destroy my kitchen with mess and dishes… I can just throw em from the freezer into my toaster and bam! Instant awesome breakkie!

    When I make pancakes I use the Jiffy mix recipe for waffles cause I find their thicker and fluff up as opposed to being flat lifeless disks…

  • I have struggled my whole life to ask for help. I’ve always been afraid of inconveniencing the helper, or getting judged about why I don’t know how to do something. I have a fierce independent streak, and have trust issues… what if I ask and then it’s used against me later?

    After I quit drinking, and went to AA, and got a sponsor… I’ve been gradually retraining my brain that it’s okay to reach out and not stay silently struggling (I am told it increases my risk of relapsing). I’ve also always helped when I can to anyone who has asked…

    As other commentators have said, without the ask for help, I wouldn’t know it was needed… and wouldn’t want to assume anything…

  • That’s scary. I read some articles last night following links after this article. From nurses who like the thrill of “saving lives” (causing patients to code so they can be the “hero”). To doctors killing to get written into their patients’ wills. To one male nurse who killed his elderly patients, by all accounts simply because he hated geriatric women?

    The crimes were years ago, but the system needs to be fixed. If a medical professional is suspected of causing harm to their patients, then they should be investigated while being suspended (or removed from direct patient care during the investigation).

    If ultimately the accusations are unfounded, then great. However for those times the investigation shows wrong doing. That’s when shit needs to get real. Police need to be called in. Medical/nursing board of licensing should be involved. Otherwise, a hospital should be liable for lawsuits for wrongdoing in my opinion.

  • Every mental health professional I have seen over the years is a mandatory reporter (in the US). Meaning they stated to me, upfront… if you have thoughts of hurting others OR yourself that WILL be reported. I didn’t have those thoughts so I probably put that out of my mind rather quickly.

    But after reading these comments, and the articles I can see both sides of the argument. Those suffering from these thoughts may well feel scared to admit them knowing they would have consequences for their jobs/ or legal trouble from admitting them. I’ve no idea who they would be “reporting” it to. I assume the mental health worker would attempt to send the individual to a psychiatric hospital so they can get help .

  • The whole thing is unconscionable imho. Obviously firstly, for her to prey on, and hurt/ murder newborn babies? I can’t wrap my mind around that. At all.

    From the admins at the hospital ignoring the worried reports from the physicians who worked on the unit WITH her. The administration went so far as to demand those same physicians go to mediation with her and write out apology letters. Admins accepted her complaints of harassment over the doctor’s concerns that there was a pattern to the infants collapsing. If the DR’s refused to do that they were threatened to lose their jobs!

    Then you have the fact that she was in a caregiver profession. Generally the public trusts caregivers/doctors. No one wants to believe that if you have a family member in the hospital, they are at risk of being MURDERED! That’s supposed to be a safe space from the world!

    No one will be able to repair the public’s perception of the medical profession if medical professionals kill their patients.

    This whole incident is terrifying. Reading the article, it linked to other articles, which I of course followed… that was a eye opening experience. I had no idea that there were multiple occasions that this had happened. Counting babies, adults, and the elderly. I can’t make sense of this.

  • So I agree with most of the comments before. When I was young my family used to pile in a car and drove for a couple of days to visit family. Man, if you’ve got kids in the car you want to be sure you’ve got things for them to do. Unoccupied kids (speaking from experience) are distracting. We used to play the “license plate game”. We’d look for novelty plates and try to decipher what they mean, and look for each state plate too. Not sure if your driving alone or with someone.

    I’d also recommend a couple blankets, towels (paper and fabric), a flashlight, and a first aid kit, and a roadside emergency kit too. Bring some cash, and have a backup payment method. Also if alone, make a plan to checkin with family at least daily. Let em know where your at, and where your headed.

    Have fun and stop at cool sights and little touristy places too! Take lots of pictures. Wish you a safe and fun trip!