I’m a communist 😈


  • 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I’ll assume you just didn’t understand what I meant so I will repeat it. Men and women can both play chess. Male brains are not superior to female brains. The reason there are more male pros in chess is because of the centuries long head start they had. To rectify this, there must be a conscious effort to boost female chess players. The current strategy to do this is to create a women’s league. At this rate, perhaps by 2100 there will be an equal mix of male and female pros, and we can abolish the gendered division in chess because it would no longer serve any purpose.

  • Since men have been getting support and funding for over a century in sports and games like this, you end up with them dominating the field. Women’s categories bring in more female players that otherwise wouldn’t have a chance if the entire game was open only. But on the other hand, this enables concern-trolling over “transgender invasion”. It’s also applied questionably to sports that maybe don’t need this such as in the case of Zhang Shan & Olympic skeet shooting. It can reinforce gender stereotypes. Finally, I’d say it’s frustratingly slow at leveling the playing field.

  • That’s called infertility, and it’s a separate issue. Fertility rate refers to children per woman, and this is decreasing globally to unsustainable levels. There is a phenomenon known as the “demographic transition” that refers to the demographic shift of pre-industrial high births and high mortality, to high births and low mortality due to modern science, to finally low births and low mortality. The only successful policy to reverse baked-in population decline so far has been to accept large numbers of immigrants. Obviously this can’t be universally applied because those immigrants have to come from somewhere.