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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023


  • If I were to turn on my Machiavellian reptile brain and looked at this situation (from what I’ve read) as if this was a game or something…

    Israel is kinda like The West’s attack/guard dog in the Middle East. That dog is getting out of control. The only leash that The West has on Israel is their funding, remove the funding and they remove the leash, and now we’ve got an out of control dog with nukes and no leash. It may not seem like the leash isn’t doing much to control it but it’s far better than letting the dog loose. Especially considering how powerful the dog is, how it seems to have more control over The West than the other way around, might have to do with all the religious leadership on both sides looking forward to the red cow they’re sacrificing this month, maybe their prophecy of a “second coming” and (nuclear) fire raining from the sky to end humanity is kinda the point.

    I’m going to stop the reptile brain before it mentions how we typically deal with bad dogs that can’t be tamed, because god forbid THAT’S taking things too far.

  • If it was as easy as taking to the streets with guns I imagine more of the left would do it.

    I mean, isn’t that how lefty commies defeated the Nazi’s? Never said it was easy, but they got there in the end, and there’s still more work to be done it would seem. We got numbers on our side, $32.6trillion worth of them wouldn’t even fill up a single 737 airplane.

  • These corporate jackoffs also have names and addresses, just sayin’. They’re only as untouchable as we let them be, and they’re terrified of the fact that we’re waking up to that (hence the bunkers n shit). They’re like “Nuh uh” and we’re like “Oh ok then” and give them our lunch money, their power is equal to that of a bully making rules on the playground, we just need to grow the fuck up.

  • People like you = cops. Murderous arms of the state. The people who the founding fathers warned us about when writing the 2nd ammendment. The people who treat civilians as if they’re worse than Taliban. Who “protect and serve” rich white people while happily shooting at black 15yo “adults” or whatever excuse you want to be a murderer. You resign your humanity when you where a gun and badge, and most of all you relish in the permission to resign your humanity. You execute civilians then go online to argue with people who don’t like murderers like you. I cannot wait till Americans finally get a grip, for the whole planets sake, and start treating cops the way they deserved since the MOVE bombing of 1985, since the Tulsa Massacre, since the Pinkertons invented you cops to protect white people from black people. You stand against everything America is supposed to represent, and stand against everything humanity, peace, love, wisdom, and compassion is supposed to represent. I bet you beat your wife too, because statistically ya’ll are also domestic abusers who hit women, no wonder you’re so afraid of prison because you’ll be KOS and rightfully so. “20 a day” should be for cops, not our servicemen, but cops like you are PROUD of your tyranny.