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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • In every evaluation Reuters was the only one reported slightly left leaning. AP is very dry and fact-based and therefore neutral, CNN is neutral to slightly right leaning iirc. News Max and OAN are both strongly right leaning.

    Fox News is also still strongly right leaning. Tell me one time Fox News tried to push for equality, gun control, or universal basic income. Instead you can find pro gun content, strong defenses for very conservative politicians who are periodically being given a platform and they are regularly talking about how businesses should get more financial aid.

    My guy, we can politically disagree but there is not a universe in which fox news is left leaning. Objectively not.

  • To me it’s just a passion some ppl have. I used to be more into it (never did it), but as with every passion, you can get blinded by the flashiness of the people who wanna sell you a specific technique or way to do something.

    I think you are right, one can get trapped very easily in the pitfalls of the superhuman, but the actual benefits are rooted in the basic.

    Other examples: there’s a lot of benefits to general fitness exercises, but the fitness bros will sell you their one and only way to get extremely muscular (which most people don’t even start out striving for). Or games, where people push you to be the very best, although the actual benefit is in having fun and keeping your brain sharp. Or creative hobbies, where a lot of people strive for the spotlight, but the actual benefit is when you do it for yourself and do what you want, regardless of what other people think.

    It’s a hard balance but I guess that’s just life.

  • I made course for 11th and 12th graders together with a friend when I at university. It was only one week long and the topic was neural networks (we hit the timing right, it was 3 years before the AI hype started).

    I did that experiment where you give the students 5 random places and amount of time out of a week. You say that is the movement profile of a fictional person and the students have to find out why those places matter.

    Makes them learn the importance of information and how linking data can be an insane tool for understanding as something. But it also teaches how easy it is to gather information from small data points and self aware you should be about your digital footprint.

  • While I don’t think emulation is a bad way in every case, in most cases it’s a huge risk and probably only helpful to a very small degree. This stuff can get very complex and I’m neither a scientist studying psychology nor a therapist, and for that matter I think those are the people that should brain storm a proper way to treat those people.

    And we can start by calling them what they are in the first place. Sick in the brain. Mentally ill. And then we can start treating them properly.

    And if they still commit crimes, then we can all say we tried our best and we prioritize our short term safety again over long term reduction and they will go to prison for (at least) a while.

    But yeah, finding a better systematic way to prevent sexual crimes should be our priority over the satisfaction of identifying and shaming people with bad thoughts.

  • Yes it would. If I knew someone is thinking about murder and someone else is doing the murder, and I could choose, I would definitely take the one thinking about murder.

    Now it would be great if no one was thinking about murder in the first place but the world is complex, and because we are able to choose to some degree, let’s do that instead of saying “IDC, both is bad, I’ll take any of them”.

    History shows us pedophiles exist. Some have thoughts, some commit crimes.

    If we imprison all of them, that just means people will never tell you about it and they resort more to repression and crimes. But if we only imprison the ones who act on it, we open the rest of them up to the possibility that everyone accepts they won’t “go away” and we could focus on making sure they don’t act on it.

    And there’s potential: a combination of different therapies helping them learn to live with it in a safe way could go a long way.

    If we help them, we help us.

    But if we criminalize their thoughts, they will resort to crime, because that’s all they know.