
  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • The majority of that age range still considers China an enemy, but a tiny fraction of ambivalent onlookers out of an overwhelming majority of a reflexively anti-China populace is enough for the Economist to dedicate an article to a fucking YouGov poll.

    It’s just another pearl-clutching “what’s wrong with today’s youths” headline to panic the elderly while flattering compliant millennials/zoomers for being one of the few (despite still being the majority!) “good ones” that march goose-step with consensus Western political thought.

  • Dude, kill the redditor in your head. This is my only fediverse account and by "deflecting again" I mean there's a clear pattern of behavior in this thread that you avoid the topic altogether when you get called out on anything.

    What do you mean "no use in 4 months"? Are you just used to lying at this point, hoping the people upvoting you won't investigate your claims? My account is only 2 months old and I post like every other day. You're probably just blocking or defederated from the instances I'm active in.

    But this has nothing to do with the fact that you call yourself a socialist without knowing what materialism is.

  • So like, do you understand what materialism means in socialist philosophy? It's clear by the way you've used the word in this thread that you think it just means "likes having stuff."

    How do you run around calling yourself a socialist when you don't even know what historical and dialectical materialism are?

  • Plus the original demand was 15 days of sick leave, and then a tepid 7-day sick leave proposal was sent to die in congress. It's not a miracle that Biden was able to get 5 days. Breaking the strike with state power and then casting crumbs in our direction was a flex on the working class saying "nah you'll only get what we allow you to have. You don't deserve to demand shit."

    I'm not holding out any hope that this is anything more than a PR campaign like kneeling cops and kente scarves.

  • 21 > 1.6

    If you’re only looking at the “immediate action” options it’s 4.5% independence vs 1.6% unification

    Grouping the camps together, the graph shows 25% vs 8% currently while not too long ago in 2018 it was 20% vs 16%. It’s a contentious issue, and opinions wax and wane depending on the diplomatic situation with the only consistency being that the majority of people favor maintaining the status quo. However, I think as more of the older generations die off, much like in South Korea, identification with a cross-border national project will likely diminish.