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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • The logic should apply both ways, but it can’t because patriarchy prevents it. Meanwhile, people who don’t have a critique of patriarchy can’t really explain why this is the case. They simply point to it and say, “this is unfair and it hurts men,” without having enough context to actually fix the underlying problem.

  • Under patriarchy, men are the only ones seen as having agency so they are assumed to always be the aggressor. The assumption is true, even when the reality is not. At the same time, men are socialized to ignore boundaries meaning that most of the time they will be the aggressor, reinforcing the assumption and justifying the application of laws that align with that assumption.

    Men will always be the abusers and never the abused. Men will never be seen as the care givers, even when they are the actual care givers. Men will always be the rapist, never the victim. And, because society tells men these things, we often enact them against our own interests.

    The fact that this logic doesn’t make sense is something feminists have been calling out for a long time as part of the larger system of patriarchy. While patriarchy usually gives more power to men, it doesn’t always. But even when it does seem to benefit men, it still harms men… Just like how every other system of oppression harms everyone involved, not just the oppressed.

  • Yep.

    “Boy” is only the opposite of “girl” if you’re working within the framework of gender binary. One could equally argue that “non-binary” is the opposite of both “boy” and “girl.”

    Similarly, “Right Libertarian/AnCap” and “Tankie” are opposite ways to justify authoritarianism and atrocities (dictatorship of the “market” vs dictatorship of the proletariat). “Anarchist/Left Libertarian” is the opposite of both because both assert that non-consentual hierarchies are normal and excuse the atrocities that come with them while anarchism rejects the validity of non-consentual hierarchy.

  • Exactly. His relationship with the US is just as cynical as it is with Russia, and as it is with any country or people (including his own). He will do or say anything that gets him more power. That means he’ll be a solid US ally as long as the US is completely stable and functional, and he will take advantage of any weakness (like he did with Trump letting him murder Kurds in Syria).

    I think we’re in violent agreement about the overall with perhaps subtle difference in the details.

  • Ok, so you, who have absolutely no context on the situation, keep being told that you’re wrong by people who have context on the situation, and your responses is to record all the ways you’re told you’re wrong so you can gloat about how you keep getting told you’re wrong by the ignorant people who actually have lived their entire lives in the place you know nothing about? Cool.

    It’s kind of like you’re listening to the 5 blind people describe an elephant over the phone and you’re like, “I have a cat, therefore you also have a cat. You need cat litter and everything you’re saying is dumb.”

    America for Europeans is either Hollywood, major cities, or Europe with rednecks. You fundamentally do not understand the context. You keep comparing to Europe and Austrian, but those models don’t work. Europe enclosed the commons generations earlier. It’s not possible for Europeans to comprehend America.

    I’ve driven for 6 hours straight with the radio on scan and not even found a signal in more than one part of the US. There are vast areas of nothing with no law and no possibility of control. The vast majority of the US is unpopulated. The closest analog would be Australia or Canada.

    Except that Austria and Canada never had an economy that relied on chattel slavery enforced by “organized milita.” That’s what the “well regulated milita” is in the second amendment, it’s slavers. Slavery and genocide are essential to the US in a way they aren’t in any developed country. If you want to compare the US to something, you need to look at Brazil.

    The US is more like a developing nation or a dictatorship than a democracy the way you think about it.

    Americans have all heard the same things over and over again. Your arguments are old and bring nothing new. So what is it exactly you’re trying to do here? What is the point if first hand information will change your articles of faith? Are you just trying to feel superior? Because coming in to a place, knowing nothing about it, and telling people they’re doing everything wrong is a pretty old school European thing to do and it really isn’t convincing anyone.

  • Erdogan has been close to Putin for a long time. He’s one of the most extreme authoritarians in the NATO alliance. The US has armed it’s enemies in the past, and I don’t think it’s short sightedness has changed.

    I don’t believe that Erdogan will help Palestinians, but he very well may materially support Hamas as long as he doesn’t do it openly enough to cause problems. I mean, Netanyahu propped up Hamas for years in order to forward his interests. No one would care if Erdogan helped justify continuing the genocide by making Hamas more dangerous to Israelis, as long as he didn’t send any American weapons to them.

    But perhaps I’m just extremely cynical.