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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Sorry, you’re completely utterly wrong here. First, the Reichs:

    1. Reich: Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation).
    2. Reich: (Unified) German Empire (1871-1918). → that’s the one they were referring to by wording, but not by implication.
    3. Reich: Nazi Germany (1933-1945). → context and implication should make it clear they mean this one.

    The Weimar Republic took place between the second and the third Reich. It would’ve been a golden age of great prosperity if it weren’t for the Versailles contract and the Great Depression. It’s still had great economic achievements, which often get falsely attributed to Nazi Germany. You can be 100% sure that the Trump campaign doesn’t refer to this one. And please don’t conflate it with the 2nd Reich.

    Even though the wording seems to indicate the 1871 German Reich the wording unified Reich and the use of the term Reich in English make this a Nazi Bullhorn.

    Edit to add: In their ignorance the Trump campaign delivered a nice own goal: if they love the 2nd Reich of 1871 so much they should adopt a couple of their policies. Universal healthcare for example - introduced in 1883 by a conservative chancellor by the name of Bismarck.

  • The linked interview has one(!) offhand comment by Abram de Swaan about the alleged practise. The interview is in part to promote his book “The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder.” which of course features Nazi Germany quite a bit. So I went ahead and downloaded said book. The words ‘dog’, ‘puppy’ ,or ‘pet’ are mentioned zero times in the entirety of the book.

    Trying to find the book and more sources for the allegation I came up with nothing else.

    While “SS-Troops” (idiotic generalisation in this case) like the SS-Totenkopfverbände did many fucked up thinks and would be fucked up enough to feature the alleged dog killings in their training - there is so far no proof whatsoever.

    If this were the case it would be in every other movie about WW2. It’s in Kingsmen FFS, where the good guys do this as part of their training.

    Sorry, I have to call BS on this one.

  • The linked interview has one(!) offhand comment by Abram de Swaan about the alleged practise. The interview is in part to promote his book “The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder.” which of course features Nazi Germany quite a bit. So I went ahead and downloaded said book. The words ‘dog’, ‘puppy’ ,or ‘pet’ are mentioned zero times in the entirety of the book.

    Trying to find the book and more sources for the allegation I came up with nothing else.

    While “SS-Troops” (idiotic generalisation in this case) like the SS-Totenkopfverbände did many fucked up thinks and would be fucked up enough to feature the alleged dog killings in their training - there is so far no proof whatsoever.

    If this were the case it would be in every other movie about WW2. It’s in Kingsmen FFS, where the good guys do this as part of their training.

    Sorry, I have to call BS on this one.