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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • So when I started in the current startup I am in, we did the anarchy approach of just give a feature to work on and a tool to track tickets for 3 years. Eventually as team leader we migrated to scrum development. And as the team has expanded I’ve actually gotten stricter about it.

    The rituals of scrum seem pointless when you start out and with a team of less than 4 people but at 4+ people it’s important just to keep track of what on earth is happening in the team. Like end of sprint allows us to work out if things are vaguely on track. If they are not we can identify where the weaknesses are. Someone took on a task estimated at 8 story points and it took 2 weeks to do, need to find out what the issue is (usually because either because there is a knowledge gap in that aspect of the system or because the task just simply hasn’t been defined clearly enough and needs the product owner to give more details).

    I never thought I’d be that guy who defends the scrum process but 5 years of being a team lead changes you.

    Though because this system was one that evolved naturally as we grew and realised what we were doing as a company wasn’t working we largely avoided the corporate bullshittery version of scrum. We don’t have a scrum master, I’m the guy who is like “oi I need you in this meeting” to the product owners.

  • I believe this is part of the “don’t make the good the enemy of the perfect” thing. Because we’re not good in all ways it is assumed that everything we do is for evil. You see it even some of the responses to my post - that we’re only providing support because it fuels our military industry profits. And to be honest, that is probably true. But like it’s still doing the right thing, even if it’s for the wrong reasons.

  • Yeah it’s the one thing putting me off the platform. Like I’d describe myself as pretty hard left, and a pacifist. But Russia is a fascist state performing an unprovoked attack on a neighbouring nation. Just because many NATO nations have right wing problems (and tbh I feel a lot of people on the left haven’t heard the expression “don’t make the good the enemy of the perfect” - shit is bad in the West but it’s nothing compared to life in Russia) doesn’t undo that fact and Ukraine has the right to defend itself and it’s right that we support that.

    The fact that some may consider NATO’s support to be hypocritical given the middle East doesn’t mean it’s wrong.