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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I haven't used it outside of Windows Firefox and Android but it works great for me as well.

    For mobile specifically: Rarely do I have any issues, and when I do, I have a quick panel button for Bitwarden (top drag down menu) that lets me manually trigger it. I can't think of any apps that it doesn't work with. My one nit is that autofill credit card info doesn't work often, but obv that's a secondary use, and the info is still with me if I ever need it on the go. And adding new login info can be a little tedious on mobile – much easier to create it first, then autofill. Highly appreciate the 2FA feature too. The auto copy feature feels really seamless regardless of if I'm on my phone or not.

    I'd be curious what issues you seem to be running into with it.

  • I was in my early 20s when I started. Wanted the calming effects of nicotine, was into other similar interests, and was dating someone who also got into it. He was actually the second vaper I'd dated, so you could say it took me a while to be interested.

    I'd had a couple cigs before but I never considered myself a smoker and didn't take to it. Vaping became a huuuge hobby for me. Learning about different mods, building your own coils, DIY e-juice, etc. I was vaping all day, all the time, pretty much as soon as I woke up (at the lowest amount possible though). It was a nice flavor and chemical pick me up when I was on edge. Sort of like a physical distraction. I vaped for 5 or so years. The lasting effects I've noticed are that sometimes I miss it. That's it. It was pretty hard to quit, mostly because I didn't want to. I had a lot of resistance, because it became a passion for me. But nicotine regulations started to suck, and that same partner quit as well. I got really sick with a flu and didn't vape during it. Then, I didn't start again after I got better. I had dreams about it, and it took a bit for me to want to move on.

    The thing is, though, I don't feel any different now than when I was vaping constantly. It doesn't improve your life that much. It'd be great if it could be an occasional thing, like alcohol or dessert is, but it's hard to not do it all the time if you're doing it at all. And you get to an equilibrium where it just doesn't feel that strong. Hence the constant clouds.

    The most annoying part about it is that it becomes like a security blanket. You have to take it everywhere. Forget it for work? Guess you'll just be late today. Have to sit for a movie? Man it sucks not to vape inside. Flying for hours? What a nightmare, can't wait to land and go outside.

    It was annoying to not feel myself if I ever decided to leave my vape behind. And blowing clouds out of my car was great, but it sucked having to wipe down my car windshield all the time due to the glycerin condensation. Same with inside – no smoke on the walls, but the glycerine would hang around and I'd have to run an air purifier. I'd often worry about the vapor leaving slight residue all over my apartment, belongings, monitors, PC internals and such.

    Overall, it was great for a while as it was something I got really into, but it was also a lot of money and stress over something that didn't really benefit my life the way other hobbies still continue to do. Much better to be a free person unattached from adult security blankets. 😎

  • Sounds like brain fog. Speaking as a fellow sufferer of anxiety (health anxiety included), I know how it is see something that seems wrong with you and try to pin a cause onto it. Are you being social? Keeping up with sleep, food, exercise? I know those are overstated but it sounds like you’re having some brain fog. The more you focus in on the fog the more it may seem pronounced, as brain fog is highly influenced by stress. I’ve suffered from some myself and have felt kind of tuned out for a while. A large part of it for me has been from the shock of different life changes and the endless stress of work and relationships. The fog in that situation doesn’t get a chance to subside because the body is trying to get through sustained stress with little damage.

    It could also be from imbalances of vitamins like vitamin d or iron. Just to be clear, I highly doubt it was from the burning cable. It’s definitely not good for you, but people smoke cigarettes and breathe road fumes for decades without losing the mental capacity you’re describing here. Funky stuff happens when we look back on our past selves too, I feel like it’s hard to make a fair comparison to yourself at any prior point when you factor in a lot of things that happen in-between. I don’t doubt what you’ve been experiencing though. Sounds crappy. I hope you give yourself a chance to consider all of the possibilities and be easier on yourself for not functioning at 100% right now – it doesn’t mean it’s forever or that it means something big, it could just be your capacity right now.

  • The number one thing I’ve heard from avoidant people is that perfectly human emotions, albeit perhaps unfitting for the situation, are “clingy” or “too much.” They don’t know how to ask for things like space and own their own needs. It’s much easier to instead blame their inner turmoil and resistance on the relationship by singling out that one thing they think is wrong with it. That way they don’t have to be vulnerable and admit they’re imperfect too. I’m sure you might know all of this anyway, but just a reminder that it’s okay and healthy to be a lil clingy and worried. Not your fault.