The only thing you have to fear.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Subs are fluctuating, but you're exaggerating to describe it as "bleeding". They're at 164 million and were even outperforming Netflix at the end of 2022.

    As CEO, Iger is awarded approximately $27 million in annual target compensation.

    Now that's a crazy demand! Did you know he replaced their last CEO who left in 2022 with an exit package worth $23.4 million? Even when they're gone, Disney's CEOs are raking in Disney cash. Maybe if Iger made 1 million max in annual target compensation, his writers could afford a roof over their heads?

  • Exactly. And since a medical doctor is the one who is qualified to determine what would risk a pregnant woman’s life, none of us could possibly have a say in the matter because we’re not qualified to do so.

    I’m very happy to be able to find some common ground with a conservative on this fine day. I also do not listen to Justin Bieber songs. Let’s keep searching for more common ground and unite our feuding peoples. We can do this!

  • Lemmygrad is wrong about a lot of things, but they’re not wrong about this. It’s important to learn from the past so it does not keep repeating.

    The concept of the “white race” was developed in the 17th century with the Atlantic slave trade. It is indeed a product of British colonization. The concept literally didn’t exist before this. Before the 17th century, people who we would now think of as white identified mainly by nationality and religion.

    The concept of whiteness as being a distinct and unifying factor among people from a variety of countries led to the field of scientific racism, which went on for around 2 centuries. This is where terms like “Caucasian” came from. Scientific racism was used as a reason by the Nazis to murder millions of Jews. Now in the 21st century, we know it is pseudoscience even though its terminology lingers.

    This doesn’t mean that people were blind to skin color before 17th century colonialism, as you pointed out with the Indian caste system that dates back as far as 3300BC. You can see in ancient Egyptian art a wide array of colored skin as well. From Egyptian literature, there aren’t signs they really obsessed over it the way society does now.

    I think we can all agree that things didn’t go too well for non-white people after the invention of whiteness. The concept was founded in oppression and helps perpetuate oppression.

  • arrests and jailings

    It didn’t happen to NPR, but even irrelevant pieces of technology were stolen from a smaller publication’s journalists using tactics that appear illegal (skirting the subpoena requirement by accusing them of identity theft). The raid went on for hours, and Joan Meyer DIED as a direct result of the trauma. She wasn’t arrested or jailed, she was terrorized to such a degree that it left her dead.

    This isn’t the time or place to make statements like “Hey, at least it’s not as bad as China”, because for some people like Joan Meyer, it was just as bad. We need to start focusing on what we can do stop the police from terrorizing people they dislike, or it might be NPR next.

  • 欲蓋彌彰

    I just can’t with this western bullshit!

    I’m sure if someone remarked about “eastern bullshit” that you would cry racism, and you wouldn’t be wrong. Thanks for at least being amusing by calling me a racist and then immediately acting like one yourself. Don’t feel too bad about it, you’re one of countless to prove that wise saying which predates the CCP by 1400 years.

  • The message of “this looting isn’t surprising given the increased divide between the rich and the poor,” to me, is already bridging the gap for opportunistic bad actors.

    BREAKING NEWS: Bad Actors twist what research suggests! In a shocking turn of events, opportunistic Bad Actors claim “Poor people bad!” after an internet forum user points out what research has already said ages ago; that violent crimes are correlated to income inequality. The user went on to point out that this is the fault of billionaires, but the Bad Actors were unrelenting.

    Holding me personally accountable for real life is you being unfair. Be well, too. Careful the bad actors don’t get to your words, next!

  • It doesn’t matter that they won’t get anywhere near the 100k worth of the items. They still grabbed far more value with a single purse than they could ever clutch running out of a Whole Foods.

    I forgot that already biased people could use this as just another reason to hate the poor. First they want to steal a loaf of bread, now they want luxury goods worth many loaves, right? Except this isn’t an evil poor mentality, it’s a human mentality. Bear spraying the guard that is standing in your way isn’t a poor thing, it’s a criminal thing. No one is spraying guards because they are rich.

    The reality is that if these people were in the top 1%, there’s no chance they’d have resorted to this, and would instead conduct their thieving unmasked in a cozy office chair. We can’t know where exactly this mob falls in the bottom 99%, and my point is that with the increasing divide between rich and poor, it’s becoming less relevant where they fall.

    We can’t allow our voices to be silenced for fear of someone else twisting them in hatred.

  • You pointed out how well China will be able to combat their declining birth rates and what they are doing to raise fertility rates. That’s great. You disliked the format of the article and didn’t feel it expressed their point adequately. Awesome. But you’re coming at the comments section with an intensity that seems disproportionate to how banal the article is. Birth rates are plummeting across the world, and every other country has their turn to have attention drawn to it, complete with their own set of uninvited suggestions regarding potential impact and what to do about it. It’s okay for people to disagree on the impact of stats like this. It’s normal and healthy when done in good faith.

    Regarding your other post: “Anti-CCP is anti-China” is a tactic to try to deflect away criticism entirely. It is dangerous for a population to be stripped of the right to criticize their government. I criticize my own government all the time, and others as well when I think they’re making poor decisions. The CCP doesn’t get to be above this on an international scale because racism. The old stigmatizing the critic into silence approach is not conducive to open dialogue, and it’s ultimately a way of shooting yourself in the foot. 欲蓋彌彰

  • Again I don’t condone this and don’t necessarily believe this was the reasoning behind what happened, but no it’s not wiser to steal food over luxury goods if your intent is to feed your starving family for the foreseeable future. With one handful you can leave with $10k from that store. This is why they were dragging the purses that were basically fused to the display racks. A single purse might be $3k. So a thousand times the price of a loaf of bread. If you already made the decision that you’re stealing to support your family, are you going to want to do it every other day, or are you going to want to grab one purse that feeds your family for a month?